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Visual Studio 2005: RAD na višeslojnim aplikacijama

Demonstraciono predavanje (4 časa) Simbolična cena: 1000,00 dinara. Na predavanju će biti pokazano kako možete Rapid Application Development izgraditi višeslojnu aplikaciju čiju osnovu će dobrim delom izgenerisati čarobnjaci i graditelji iz VS-a 2005. ...

Karbonske nanotube - sinteza i primena

Karbonske nanotube su svojim fascinantnim fizičkim i hemiskim osobinama privukle i nastavljaju da spajaju istraživače na univerzitetima i u industriji iz do sada razdvojenih disciplina hemije, fizike, elektrotehnike, mašinstva i biologije u jedinstvenu...

Budućnosti bežičnih komunikacija

Future Wireless – Trends and Challenges In this talk the trends of several wireless communications aspects, including wireless technology, services, device technology, research and markets are discussed. Furthermore, an approach in distributed turbo c...

Biznis inkubatori

Biznis inkubator pruža kancelarijski prostor, infrastrukturu, poslovne i administrativne usluge i podršku preduzećima koja se osnivaju pri univerzitetu. Uspostavljanje biznis inkubator ima za cilj: Podršku studentima za započinjanje i razvoj sopstv...

Logika preferenci i modeli odlučivanja

PREFERENCE LOGIC AND DECISION ModelS (LOGIKA PREFERENCI I MODELI ODLUČIVANJA) Jozo J. Dujmović, Department of Computer Science San Francisco State University Abstract. The goal of logic should be to model observable properties of human reasoning. In ...

Mozilla Firefox and open source development

Vladimir Vukićević, Mike Shaver and Stuart Parmenter from the Mozilla Corporation will be speaking and taking questions about Mozilla Firefox and open source development. Vladimir and Stuart are the lead graphics developers for Mozilla Corporati...

Cisco Unified Communications System

IEEE Belgrade Student Branch i kompanija Cisco Systems pozivaju Vas da prisustvujete predavanju sa demonstracijom rada Cisco Unified Communications System Predavanje i praktična demonstracija će se održati 23.05.2006. u prostorijama Računskog ce...

The Space of Human Shapes

Abstract: The human form has been the dominant subject of painters and sculptors for millennia. It is the shape we are most attuned to, the one most important to recognize and to build our environments around. Modeling this shape and the way it mov...

Project Teams - Receipt for Success

Abstract This is our second topic in a series of lectures on Project Management, which we started last year. We are going to analyze all the relevant information associated to why and how teams make all the difference in organizational and project per...


Kratka biografija: Božidar Radunović diplomirao je na ETF-u u Beogradu 1999. godine, na odseku za RTI. Doktorirao je na EPFL-u (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne) u Švajcarskoj 2005 u oblasti telekomunikacija, na temu "A Cross-Layer Design of W...

Mesh-based Data Dissemination

Mesh-based Data Dissemination Recently, overlay networks have emerged as a fundamental building block for evolving the network architecture. Sample uses include application-level multicast, scalable object location and routing, improving end-to-end...

Nove verzije Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 i SQL Server 2005

7. Novembra u Računskom centru ETF-a sa početkom u 11 časova za vas smo spremili 3 predavanja povodom lansiranja novih verzija Visual Studija 2005 i SQL Servera 2005. Prezentacije će držati Boris Maletić, Zlatko Knežević i Veljko Janjić koji će vam pre...

Project Management Fundamentals - Overview

With increasing competition within all industries and professions, organizations worldwide are embracing Project Management as a way of successfully completing projects, meeting business objectives, and achieving organizational goals. They are employin...

IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Standard Performance Viewpoint

Abstract Public interest in IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN (WLAN) has begun to increase tremendously recently, years after the original standard has been introduced. WLAN hotpots based on IEEE 802.11 standard are popping up offering Internet connectivity at ...

Računarski alat za funkcionalnu analizu genetskih mikronizova

Microarray technology allows measuring expression level of thousands genes at once. Such data can in principle be used to identify genes that differentiate various groups of subjects. However, reducing uncertainty when analyzing such a high dimensional...

Sistem modularnih programabilnih visokonaponskih napajanja

Prezentacija daje prikaz sistema umreženih modularnih programabilnih visokonaponskih napajanja namenjenih za napajanje i kontrolu sondi i alata za ispitivanje bušotina u naftnoj industriji. Biće prikazani detalji strukture modula napajanja koji se sast...