
Doktorske studije u Ljubljani

University of Ljubljana offers an outstanding Doctoral Program in Computer and Information Science. The program is founded on research excellence achieved in our laboratories and by our faculty members, diverse international collaborations with our academic partners, and strong links with the industry. We are especially proud of the program’s interdisciplinary and problem-oriented study.

We encourage our students to present their work at distinguished conferences, visit partner research institutions abroad, and engage in international events. Our students often participate in international competitions and achieve excellent results. Upon joining our University they become members of the vivid research community in Ljubljana that offers diverse seminars, lectures, and local and international scientific and cultural events.

The entire program is in English.

In addition:

  • our students achieve above-average results in many competitions in various fields of research,
  • the entire program is in English (lectures, study material, exams, seminars),
  • the program has a strong emphasis on research (lectures and seminars in the first year, a focus on research during the remaining part of the program).

Are you interested in applying?

Look at the information on enrolling in the doctoral program at FRI:

You can apply for a Teaching Assistant PhD Student scholarship:

Or you can apply for Basileus IV funding: