
Politecnico di Torino - 2nd level specializing master 2011/2012

Konkursna dokumentacija za stipendije na post-diplomskim studijama na prestižnom “Politecnico di Torino”, na engleskom jeziku.

Post-diplomske studije na nivou MASTER II su otvorene za studente koji imaju 5 godina fakultetskog obrazovanja i na dole navedenom sajtu možete naći sve informacije u vezi sa kursevima.

Stranim studentima se nudi stipendija koja pokriva troškove upisnine (8000 EUR) i godišnjeg džeparca od 6000 EUR.

Na samom dnu mejla koji je Politecnico di Torino uputio Ambasadi, navedeni su takođe svi kontakti (g.đa Antonella Mina) kojima se Vi i Vaši studenti možete obratiti za dodatne informacije.

il Politecnico di Torino è lieto di informarvi che sono aperte le iscrizioni per i master universitari  internazionali di II livello tenuti in lingua inglese presso il nostro Ateneo.

Vi specifichiamo che a tali corsi possono accedere studenti in possesso di una laurea di 5 anni. Sul nostro sito  si trovano tutte le informazioni relative ai corsi.

Grazie al contributo della Compagnia di San Paolo gli studenti stranieri hanno la possibilità di usufruire di borse di studio che comprendono l’esenzione dal pagamento  della tassa di iscrizione (8.000 €) e l’assegnazione di un importo rimanente  annuo lordo pari a  6.000 €. Al fine di offrire questa possibilità al maggior numero di studenti stranieri possibile chiediamo gentilmente la vostra collaborazione nel provvedere alla massima diffusione di questa comunicazione ai potenziali interessati.   

Qui di seguito potete trovare un riassunto in inglese per ogni singolo master.

Restiamo a vostra completa disposizione per eventuali richieste di chiarimenti in merito.

Automatica and Control Technologies

Second level specializing master is a high-level educational opportunity for both newly graduated students and experienced employees that wish to acquire state-of-the art knowledge in the fields of systems engineering and automatic control. This Master course provides both methodological insight on modeling, optimization and control of complex dynamical systems, as well as technological competencies on industrial apparatus for control implementation. The MACT further offers courses with focus on advanced applications such as smart sensors, energy management, control of financial risk, automotive control systems, aero-space control systems, precision machining, mobile robotics, industrial networks, etc.

For further information:

E-Business and ICT for Management

Second level specializing master is a high level educational opportunity conceived for newly graduated students and professional figures who wish to obtain business objectives using information and communication technologies (ICT) as a strategic lever. The educational course, coherent with the tradition of excellency of the Politecnico di Torino, has the objective of preparing professional figures who are able to set up, manage and evaluate e-government, and e-business projects, from both the technological and economic-managerial points of view. The experience gained and the results obtained are proved by the rapidity and quality of the post-master placements and by the evaluations that appear in specialisation publications.

For further information:

Navigation and Related Applications

Second level specializing master is an effective answer to the work market demands in terms of high level technicians endowed with a broad vision of the navigation/ localization world but also with specific skills.
Nowadays, civil users are able to fix their position on the basis of ranging signals broadcast by GPS satellites, but the problem is that GPS remains a military system and this fact limits the diffusion of potential services (with particular reference to critical and safety of life applications).

For this reason, the Galileo system which represents the European initiative in the field of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) will be a real boost for the introduction of navigation and positioning applications in the worldwide wireless mass-market. Galileo, fully deployed by 2008, is acquiring a large sharing. In addition, it has to be remarked that terrestrial locating systems based on wireless communication networks and the integration of GNSS signals with communication signals (e.g., WLAN and Galileo) will represent a natural way for the diffusion of navigation-related services. In the next future a substantial amount of skilled personnel will be engaged in production and management of innovative navigation-oriented applications.

For further information:

Optical Communications and Photonic Technologies

Second level specializing master aims at providing the student with a comprehensive view of Optical communications, that are at the core of today’s Internet revolution. Such revolution could not be happening without the ultra-high capacity optical transmission systems and networks that make up the massive backbone infrastructure needed to support it.
In addition, optical systems are currently extending their reach from the backbone to the metropolitan area, all the way to the last mile and to the end-users’ homes.
This is a whole new market that is opening up and that will greatly expand in the coming years. A number of challenging problems will have to be dealt with to support such growth and expansion, regarding transmission techniques, network architectures and design, key optical components and enabling technologies.

For further information:

Wireless Systems and Related Technologies

Second level specializing master is an effective answer to the work market demands in terms of high level technicians endowed with a broad vision of the wireless world but also with specific skills.

In the next future, a substantial amount of skilled personnel will be engaged in running wireless systems both at a network level and in the maintenance and organization of field apparatuses. At the same time, short time-to-market is becoming a must for companies engaged in the development and design of wireless hardware, which requires advanced skills in terms of analog and digital design, but also a broad vision of the wireless world at large.

For further information:

Antonella Mina

Ufficio Master e Formazione Permanente

Politecnico di Torino

Area Gestione Didattica Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino
Tel: +39.011.0906128
Fax: +39.011.0905730
