
Skillful PHP, Java, .NET Programmers needed [produžetak roka za prijavu]

To whom it might concern

On behalf of Dutch company Mobile Expert International, I am looking for skilled and motivated programmers to work on development of applications for mobile devices (smart phones and similar devices). The programmers will be working on the projects for foreign companies such as Anunca (Brasil) and MADS (The Netherlands).

The programming language used for such applications is "BiscuitML", a propitiatory language developed by the company Netbiscuits:

the language is very close to XML and is user friendly for a skilled programmer. Objects on pages like images, forms, text, media, etc, are all instantiated using building blocks called "Biscuits". An example code is attached here. Alternatively, mobile applications can be developed using Java, PHP or .NET languages.

For the beginning, I am looking for 5 - 10 programmers skilled in Java, PHP, .NET or XML languages to work on such developments. The deadline for the applications is March 15th.

Zainteresovan se mogu javiti e-majlom na adresu:
ili na telefon 061 6445 224

Dr. Misha Trifunovic
Mobile Expert International