Biljana |
Alavanja |
Cleaning staff |
Tehcnical service and maintenance |
bilja@etf.rs |
011/3218-432 |
61 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Biljana Alavanja |
Stefan |
Aleksandrov |
Senior programmer |
Computer Centre |
stefan.aleksandrov@etf.rs |
011/3370-110 |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Stefan Aleksandrov |
Vojislav |
Alić |
WEB administrator |
Computer Centre |
vojislav.alic@etf.rs |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Vojislav Alic |
Danica |
Ampevski |
Senior librarian |
Library |
dampevski@etf.rs |
011/3218-334 |
51 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Danica Ampevski |
Sunčica |
Anđelković |
Student affairs officer |
Student service |
suncica@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-417 |
51 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Suncica Andjelkovic |
Ljiljana |
Arsenović |
Doorman |
Computer Centre |
011/3218-358 |
61 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Ljiljana Arsenovic |
Vedrana |
Berber |
Cleaning staff |
Tehcnical service and maintenance |
011/3218-448 |
61 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Vedrana Berber |
Vladan |
Božović |
Lab engineer |
The Department of Electronics |
vlada@el.etf.rs |
011/3218-311 |
82 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Vladan Bozovic |
Risto |
Bošković |
Lab technician |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
ristob@etf.rs |
+381113218389 |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Risto Boskovic |
Branislav |
Bukorović |
Lab engineer |
The Department of Power Systems |
buki@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-362 |
82 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Branislav Bukorovic |
Boris |
Velinović |
Administration officer for human resources |
Department for Human Resources and General Affairs |
boris.velinovic@etf.rs |
011/3370-110 |
51 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Boris Velinovic |
Jana |
Veličković |
Manager for national and international projects |
Department for Human Resources and General Affairs |
51 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Jana Velickovic |
Slađana |
Veličković |
Cleaning staff |
Tehcnical service and maintenance |
011/3218-432 |
61 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Sladjana Velickovic |
Branka |
Vilotić |
Administration officer for general affairs |
Department for Human Resources and General Affairs |
branka@etf.rs |
011/3218-414 |
51 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Branka Vilotic |
Jelena |
Vilotić |
Student affairs officer |
Student service |
jelenav@etf.rs |
011/3226-760 |
51 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Jelena Vilotic |
Jelena |
Vlajković |
Administration officer for human resources and general affairs |
Department for Human Resources and General Affairs |
vlajkovic.jelena@etf.bg.ac.rs |
3218-370 |
51 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Jelena Vlajkovic |
Vuk |
Vranješ |
Information system and technology administrator |
Computer Centre |
vuk@etf.rs |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Vuk Vranjes |
MA |
Ivan |
Vujić |
Programmer |
Computer Centre |
ivan.vujic@etf.rs |
011/3218-438 |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
MA Ivan Vujic |
Jelena |
Vukojević |
Asministration officer for financial transactions |
Department for Material and Financial Matters |
jelena.vukojevic@etf.rs |
011/3218474 |
51 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Jelena Vukojevic |
Milena |
Damjanović |
Student affairs officer |
Student service |
dmilena@etf.rs |
011/3226-760 |
51 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Milena Damjanovic |
Violeta |
Damnjanović |
Accountant |
Department for Material and Financial Matters |
violeta@etf.rs |
011/3218-476 |
51 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Violeta Damnjanovic |
Miloš |
Divjak |
School secretary |
School secretary |
milosdivjak@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-326 |
51 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Milos Divjak |
Milena |
Dimić |
Head of Department for Human Resource and General Affairs |
Department for Human Resources and General Affairs |
milenadim@etf.rs |
011/3218325 |
51 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Milena Dimic |
MSc |
Dragi |
Dujković |
Manager for electronic commerce and human resources |
Department for Human Resources and General Affairs |
dragi@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-491 |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
MSc Dragi Dujkovic |
Ivana |
Đačić |
User support administrator |
Computer Centre |
ivana.djacic@etf.rs |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Ivana Djacic |
Zoran |
Đorđević |
Lab technician |
The Department of Telecommunications |
zdjordjevic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-347 |
82 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Zoran Djordjevic |
Milan |
Đorđević |
Lab technician |
The Department of Power Systems |
milandj@etf.rs |
011/3218-362 |
82 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Milan Djordjevic |
Milanka |
Đorđević |
Independent officer for study programs |
Student service |
milanka@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-492 |
51 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Milanka Djordjevic |
Miodrag |
Đorđević |
Doorman |
Computer Centre |
milence@etf.rs |
61 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Miodrag Djordjevic |
Marko |
Živanović |
Database administrator |
Computer Centre |
mzivanovic@etf.rs |
3218438 |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Marko Zivanovic |
Snežana |
Živković |
Cleaning staff |
Tehcnical service and maintenance |
61 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Snezana Zivkovic |
Sretena |
Ivanović |
Cleaning staff |
Tehcnical service and maintenance |
61 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Sretena Ivanovic |
Mirjana |
Ivović |
Cleaning staff |
Tehcnical service and maintenance |
61 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Mirjana Ivovic |
Slađana |
Ilić |
Cleaning staff |
Tehcnical service and maintenance |
3218432 |
61 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Sladjana Ilic |
Jelena |
Jevremović |
Head of Student Service Department |
Student service |
jelenaj@etf.rs |
011/3218-421 |
51 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Jelena Jevremovic |
MSc |
Dragan |
Jevtić |
Senior lab engineer |
The Department of Power Drives and Converters |
jevtic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3370-162 |
82 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
MSc Dragan Jevtic |
MA |
Vuk |
Jovanović |
Senior programmer |
Computer Centre |
vuk.jovanovic@etf.rs |
3218-320 |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
MA Vuk Jovanovic |
Nemanja |
Jovanović |
Information system and technology administrator |
Computer Centre |
njovanovic@etf.rs |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Nemanja Jovanovic |
Stefan |
Jovanović |
System support technician |
Computer Centre |
stefan.jovanovic@etf.rs |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Stefan Jovanovic |
MA |
Kristina |
Jovičić |
Senior lab engineer |
The Department of Telecommunications |
krisjovicic@etf.rs |
011/3218-490 |
82 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
MA Kristina Jovicic |
Branislav |
Juranović |
Technical associate for maintenence of rooms and furniture |
Labs |
banebmw@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-372 |
61 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Branislav Juranovic |
Dubravka |
Knežević |
Cleaning staff |
Tehcnical service and maintenance |
3218432 |
61 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Dubravka Knezevic |
Dubravka |
Kovačević |
Secretary of the vicedean |
Service for special affairs |
dubravka@etf.rs |
011/3218-323 |
51 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Dubravka Kovacevic |
Svetlana |
Kostić |
Cleaning staff |
Tehcnical service and maintenance |
3218320 |
61 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Svetlana Kostic |
MA |
Stefan |
Kostić |
Senior programmer |
Computer Centre |
stefan.kostic@etf.rs |
011/3218-436 |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
MA Stefan Kostic |
Nataša |
Kotaranin |
Cleaning staff |
Tehcnical service and maintenance |
3218432 |
61 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Natasa Kotaranin |
Aleksandra |
Kulundžić |
Procurement associate |
Department for Human Resources and General Affairs |
aleks@etf.rs |
011/3218-478 |
51 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Aleksandra Kulundzic |
Suzana |
Lazić |
Cleaning staff |
Tehcnical service and maintenance |
3218320 |
61 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Suzana Lazic |
MA |
Kristina |
Lazović |
Assistant |
The Department of Power Systems |
kristinadz@etf.rs |
011/3218-341 |
21 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
MA Kristina Lazovic |
MSc |
Vladan |
Lapčević |
Lab engineer |
The Department of Electronics |
lapac@el.etf.rs |
011/3218-312 |
82 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
MSc Vladan Lapcevic |
Vladimir |
Ljeskovac |
System administrator |
Computer Centre |
vladimir@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-319 |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Vladimir Ljeskovac |
Marina |
Ljeskovac |
User support administrator |
Computer Centre |
marinas@etf.rs |
011/3218438 |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Marina Ljeskovac |
MA |
Milan |
Marinković |
Senior programmer |
Computer Centre |
miki@etf.rs |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
MA Milan Marinkovic |
Dejan |
Marković |
Senior programmer |
Computer Centre |
dekim@etf.bg.ac.rs |
3218438 |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Dejan Markovic |
Mirjana |
Marković |
Cleaning staff |
Tehcnical service and maintenance |
011/3218-477 |
61 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Mirjana Markovic |
Dragiša |
Miladinović |
Information system and technology administrator |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
misa@etf.rs |
+381113218389 |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Dragisa Miladinovic |
Uroš |
Milovanović |
System support technician |
Computer Centre |
uros.milovanovic@etf.rs |
011/3218-319 |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Uros Milovanovic |
Nada |
Mihailović |
Accountant for operative administration |
Department for Material and Financial Matters |
nada@etf.rs |
011/3218-473 |
51 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Nada Mihailovic |
Marina |
Mumin |
Student affairs officer |
Student service |
marinad@etf.rs |
011/3226-760 |
51 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Marina Mumin |
MA |
Vanja |
Nikolić |
Programmer |
Computer Centre |
vanja@etf.rs |
011/3218-110 |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
MA Vanja Nikolic |
Slobodan |
Nikolić |
User support administrator |
Computer Centre |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Slobodan Nikolic |
Aleksandra |
Obradović |
Programmer |
Computer Centre |
aleksandra.obradovic@etf.rs |
011/3218436 |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Aleksandra Obradovic |
Nebojša |
Orlović |
Technical associate - electrician |
Tehcnical service and maintenance |
neso@etf.rs |
011/3218-376 |
61 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Nebojsa Orlovic |
Ivan |
Ocokoljić |
Librarian with a graduate degree |
Library |
ivano@etf.rs |
011/3218-334 |
51 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Ivan Ocokoljic |
Đorđe |
Pavlović |
Senior expert associate at laboratories |
The Department of Power Drives and Converters |
pavlovic@etf.rs |
82 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Djordje Pavlovic |
MA |
Alen |
Pajić |
Senior programmer |
Computer Centre |
alen.pajic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-438 |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
MA Alen Pajic |
MA |
Luka |
Panić |
Programmer |
Computer Centre |
luka.panic@etf.rs |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
MA Luka Panic |
MA |
Marko |
Peković |
Programmer - engineer |
Computer Centre |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
MA Marko Pekovic |
MA |
Danilo |
Petković |
Senior programmer |
Computer Centre |
danilo.petkovic@etf.rs |
011/3218-436 |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
MA Danilo Petkovic |
Vesna |
Petrović |
Senior operator |
Computer Centre |
vesna@etf.rs |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Vesna Petrovic |
Srđan |
Popović |
System administrator |
Computer Centre |
srdjan.popovic@etf.rs |
011/3218-110 |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Srdjan Popovic |
Sanja |
Potparić |
Student affairs officer |
Student service |
sanjan@etf.rs |
51 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Sanja Potparic |
Svetlana |
Preković |
Courrier |
Department for Human Resources and General Affairs |
ceca@etf.rs |
011/3218-413 |
61 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Svetlana Prekovic |
Nevena |
Prešić |
Secretary of expert bodies |
Service for special affairs |
presic@etf.rs |
011/3218489 |
51 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Nevena Presic |
Aleksandar |
Rakić |
Student affairs officer |
Student service |
aleksandarr@etf.rs |
011/3218418 |
51 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Aleksandar Rakic |
Sava |
Reljić |
Cleaning staff |
Tehcnical service and maintenance |
011/3218-476 |
61 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Sava Reljic |
Natalija |
Ristić |
Secretary of the dean |
Service for special affairs |
natalija.ristic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-321 |
51 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Natalija Ristic |
Uroš |
Romić |
Senior programmer |
Computer Centre |
uros@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-438 |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Uros Romic |
Željana |
Rončević |
Cleaning staff |
Tehcnical service and maintenance |
011/3218432 |
61 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Zeljana Roncevic |
MA |
Nikola |
Ružić |
Trainee researcher on a project |
Science and Research Centre |
ruzic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
42 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
MA Nikola Ruzic |
Feniks |
Savić |
Senior programmer |
Computer Centre |
feniks@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3370-110 |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Feniks Savic |
Đorđe |
Sarač |
Lab engineer |
The Department of Telecommunications |
sarac@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-459 |
82 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Djordje Sarac |
Dragica |
Simijonović |
Cleaning staff |
Tehcnical service and maintenance |
011/3218-476 |
61 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Dragica Simijonovic |
Biljana |
Sokolović |
Cleaning staff |
Tehcnical service and maintenance |
011/3218-432 |
61 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Biljana Sokolovic |
Ivan |
Stojaković |
System support technician |
Computer Centre |
ivan.stojakovic@etf.rs |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Ivan Stojakovic |
Tatjana |
Stojanović |
Head of Department for Material and Financial Matters |
Department for Material and Financial Matters |
tatjana@etf.rs |
011/3370-146 |
51 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Tatjana Stojanovic |
Dijana |
Stojković |
Cleaning staff |
Tehcnical service and maintenance |
61 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Dijana Stojkovic |
Slavica |
Stojković |
Archive officer |
Department for Human Resources and General Affairs |
011/3226-992 |
51 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Slavica Stojkovic |
Predrag |
Tepavčević |
Lab engineer |
The Department of Power Systems |
tepa@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-402 |
82 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Predrag Tepavcevic |
Predrag |
Todorov |
Senior expert associate at laboratories |
The Department of Signals and Systems |
pedjatodorov@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-434 |
82 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Predrag Todorov |
Zoran |
Todorović |
Senior programmer |
Computer Centre |
zoran.todorovic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-436 |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Zoran Todorovic |
Steva |
Trajković |
Technical associate for printing and copying |
Department for Human Resources and General Affairs |
011/3218-427 |
61 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Steva Trajkovic |
MA |
Stefan |
Tubić |
Senior lab engineer |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
stubic@etf.rs |
011/3218-456 |
82 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
MA Stefan Tubic |
Zoran |
Ćendić |
Technical associate for printing and copying |
Department for Human Resources and General Affairs |
cendic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-427 |
61 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Zoran Cendic |
Marija |
Ćirović |
Cleaning staff |
Tehcnical service and maintenance |
mar.cir@etf.rs |
011/3218-448 |
61 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Marija Cirovic |
MSc |
Dušan |
Ćurapov |
Senior lab engineer |
The Department of Electronics |
dule@el.etf.rs |
011/3218-311 |
82 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
MSc Dusan Curapov |
Jasmina |
Uzelac |
Financial accountant |
Department for Material and Financial Matters |
jasmina@etf.rs |
011/3218-475 |
51 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Jasmina Uzelac |
PhD |
Nedžad |
Hadžiefendić |
Senior lab engineer |
The Department of Power Drives and Converters |
nedzad@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3370-162 |
82 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
PhD Nedzad Hadziefendic |
MA |
Ivan |
Šerić |
Senior programmer |
Computer Centre |
ivan.seric@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-436 |
71 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
MA Ivan Seric |
Mijat |
Štimac |
Senior expert associate at laboratories |
The Department of Electronics |
mijats@etf.rs |
011/3218-312 |
82 |
nenastavno_osoblje |
Mijat Stimac |
PhD |
Antonije |
Đorđević |
Member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts |
The School of Electrical Engineering |
edjordja@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-386 |
91 |
PhD Antonije Djordjevic |
Branislav |
Jelenković |
Member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts |
The School of Electrical Engineering |
branislav.jelenkovic@ipb.ac.rs |
227-05-41 |
91 |
Branislav Jelenkovic |
PhD |
Gradimir |
Milovanović |
Member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts |
The School of Electrical Engineering |
91 |
PhD Gradimir Milovanovic |
PhD |
Zoran |
Petrović |
Member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts |
The School of Electrical Engineering |
zoran.petrovic@ipb.ac.rs |
011/3713-143 |
91 |
PhD Zoran Petrovic |
PhD |
Zoran |
Popović |
Member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts |
The School of Electrical Engineering |
zoran.popovic@ipb.ac.rs |
319-32-33 |
91 |
PhD Zoran Popovic |
professor PhD |
Branko |
Kovačević |
professor emeritus |
The Department of Signals and Systems |
kovacevic_b@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-343 |
11 |
professor PhD Branko Kovacevic |
professor PhD |
Srđan |
Stanković |
professor emeritus |
The Department of Signals and Systems |
stankovic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3370-150 |
11 |
professor PhD Srdjan Stankovic |
professor PhD |
Dušan |
Starčević |
professor emeritus |
The School of Electrical Engineering |
dusan.starcevic@fon.rs |
3-950-827 |
11 |
professor PhD Dusan Starcevic |
professor |
Đurađ |
Budimir |
guest professor |
The Department of Telecommunications |
11 |
professor Djuradj Budimir |
professor PhD |
Petar |
Đurić |
guest professor |
The Department of Signals and Systems |
11 |
professor PhD Petar Djuric |
professor |
Miroslav |
Krstić |
guest professor |
The Department of Signals and Systems |
krstic@ucsd.edu |
011/3370-150 |
11 |
professor Miroslav Krstic |
professor |
Goran |
Mašanović |
guest professor |
The Department of Microelectronics and Technical Physics |
g.mashanovich@soton.ac.uk |
011/3370-156 |
11 |
professor Goran Masanovic |
professor |
Jovica |
Milanović |
guest professor |
The School of Electrical Engineering |
jovica.milovanovic@manchester.ac.uk |
011/3218-336 |
11 |
professor Jovica Milanovic |
professor PhD |
Veljko |
Milutinović |
guest professor |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
vm@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-389 |
11 |
professor PhD Veljko Milutinovic |
professor |
Aleksandar |
Stanković |
guest professor |
The School of Electrical Engineering |
astankov@ece.tufts.edu |
3218-327 |
11 |
professor Aleksandar Stankovic |
professor PhD |
Dušan |
Stipanović |
guest professor |
The Department of Signals and Systems |
dusan@illinois.edu |
3218-343 |
11 |
professor PhD Dusan Stipanovic |
professor |
Vladimir |
Terzija |
guest professor |
The School of Electrical Engineering |
011/3218-336 |
11 |
professor Vladimir Terzija |
professor PhD |
Milan |
Bjelica |
full professor |
The Department of Telecommunications |
milan@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-406 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Milan Bjelica |
professor PhD |
Dragan |
Bojić |
full professor |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
bojic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3370-161 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Dragan Bojic |
professor PhD |
Slobodan |
Vukosavić |
full professor |
The Department of Power Drives and Converters |
boban@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-369 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Slobodan Vukosavic |
professor PhD |
Dejan |
Gvozdić |
full professor |
The Department of Microelectronics and Technical Physics |
gvozdic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-331 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Dejan Gvozdic |
professor PhD |
Dejan |
Drajić |
full professor |
The Department of Telecommunications |
ddrajic@etf.rs |
011/3218-381 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Dejan Drajic |
professor PhD |
Željko |
Đurišić |
full professor |
The Department of Power Systems |
djurisic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-360 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Zeljko Djurisic |
professor PhD |
Željko |
Đurović |
full professor |
The Department of Signals and Systems |
zdjurovic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3370-150 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Zeljko Djurovic |
professor PhD |
Predrag |
Ivaniš |
full professor |
The Department of Telecommunications |
predrag.ivanis@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3370-075 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Predrag Ivanis |
professor PhD |
Milan |
Ilić |
full professor |
The Department of General Electrical Engineering |
milanilic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-329 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Milan Ilic |
professor PhD |
Siniša |
Ješić |
full professor |
The Department of Applied Mathematics |
jesic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-317 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Sinisa Jesic |
professor PhD |
Goran |
Kvaščev |
full professor |
The Department of Signals and Systems |
kvascev@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-437 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Goran Kvascev |
professor PhD |
Branko |
Kolundžija |
full professor |
The Department of General Electrical Engineering |
kol@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-329 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Branko Kolundzija |
professor PhD |
Tatjana |
Lutovac |
full professor |
The Department of Applied Mathematics |
tlutovac@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-316 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Tatjana Lutovac |
professor PhD |
Branko |
Malešević |
full professor |
The Department of Applied Mathematics |
malesevic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-317 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Branko Malesevic |
professor PhD |
Petar |
Matavulj |
full professor |
The Department of Microelectronics and Technical Physics |
matavulj@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-330 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Petar Matavulj |
professor PhD |
Jovan |
Mikulović |
full professor |
The Department of Power Systems |
mikulovic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-337 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Jovan Mikulovic |
professor PhD |
Dragan |
Milićev |
full professor |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
dmilicev@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-449 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Dragan Milicev |
professor PhD |
Peđa |
Mihailović |
full professor |
The Department of Microelectronics and Technical Physics |
pedja@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-338 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Pedja Mihailovic |
professor PhD |
Aleksandar |
Nešković |
full professor |
The Department of Telecommunications |
neshko@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-322 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Aleksandar Neskovic |
professor PhD |
Nataša |
Nešković |
full professor |
The Department of Telecommunications |
natasha@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-422 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Natasa Neskovic |
professor PhD |
Boško |
Nikolić |
full professor |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
nbosko@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-378 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Bosko Nikolic |
professor PhD |
Dragan |
Olćan |
full professor |
The Department of General Electrical Engineering |
olcan@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-329 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Dragan Olcan |
professor PhD |
Predrag |
Pejović |
full professor |
The Department of Electronics |
peja@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-313 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Predrag Pejovic |
professor PhD |
Slobodan |
Petričević |
full professor |
The Department of Microelectronics and Technical Physics |
slobodan@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-442 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Slobodan Petricevic |
professor PhD |
Milan |
Ponjavić |
full professor |
The Department of Electronics |
ponjavic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-301 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Milan Ponjavic |
professor PhD |
Ivan |
Popović |
full professor |
The Department of Electronics |
popovici@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-365 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Ivan Popovic |
professor PhD |
Milka |
Potrebić Ivaniš |
full professor |
The Department of General Electrical Engineering |
milka_potrebic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-338 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Milka Potrebic Ivanis |
professor PhD |
Milan |
Prokin |
full professor |
The Department of Electronics |
proka@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-310 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Milan Prokin |
professor PhD |
Jelica |
Protić |
full professor |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
jeca@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-456 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Jelica Protic |
professor PhD |
Zoran |
Radaković |
full professor |
The Department of Power Drives and Converters |
radakovic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-328 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Zoran Radakovic |
professor PhD |
Jelena |
Radovanović |
full professor |
The Department of Microelectronics and Technical Physics |
radovanovic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3370-163 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Jelena Radovanovic |
professor PhD |
Aleksandar |
Rakić |
full professor |
The Department of Signals and Systems |
rakic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3370-150 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Aleksandar Rakic |
professor PhD |
Marija |
Rašajski |
full professor |
The Department of Applied Mathematics |
rasajski@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-316 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Marija Rasajski |
professor PhD |
Lazar |
Saranovac |
full professor |
The Department of Electronics |
laza@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3370-167 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Lazar Saranovac |
professor PhD |
Mirjana |
Simić Pejović |
full professor |
The Department of Telecommunications |
mira@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-400 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Mirjana Simic Pejovic |
professor PhD |
Aleksandra |
Smiljanić |
full professor |
The Department of Telecommunications |
aleksandra@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3370-075 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Aleksandra Smiljanic |
professor PhD |
Marija |
Stevanović |
full professor |
The Department of General Electrical Engineering |
mnikolic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
3218-338 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Marija Stevanovic |
professor PhD |
Predrag |
Stefanov |
full professor |
The Department of Power Systems |
stefanov@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-336 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Predrag Stefanov |
professor PhD |
Zoran |
Stojanović |
full professor |
The Department of Power Systems |
stojanovic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-327 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Zoran Stojanovic |
professor PhD |
Zlatan |
Stojković |
full professor |
The Department of Power Systems |
zstojkovic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-375 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Zlatan Stojkovic |
professor PhD |
Milan |
Tadić |
full professor |
The Department of Microelectronics and Technical Physics |
tadic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3370-088 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Milan Tadic |
professor PhD |
Jovan |
Cvetić |
full professor |
The Department of Microelectronics and Technical Physics |
cvetic_j@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3370-156 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Jovan Cvetic |
professor PhD |
Olivera |
Ciraj-Bjelac |
full professor |
The Department of Microelectronics and Technical Physics |
ociraj@vinca.rs |
011/3370-186 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Olivera Ciraj-Bjelac |
professor PhD |
Zoran |
Čiča |
full professor |
The Department of Telecommunications |
cicasyl@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-377 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Zoran Cica |
professor PhD |
Tomislav |
Šekara |
full professor |
The Department of Signals and Systems |
tomi@etf.bg.ac.rs |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Tomislav Sekara |
professor PhD |
Dragana |
Šumarac Pavlović |
full professor |
The Department of Telecommunications |
dsumarac@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3370-149 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Dragana Sumarac Pavlovic |
professor PhD |
Vladimir |
Arsoski |
associate professor |
The Department of Microelectronics and Technical Physics |
arsosk@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-315 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Vladimir Arsoski |
professor PhD |
Milan |
Bebić |
associate professor |
The Department of Power Drives and Converters |
bebic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-339 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Milan Bebic |
professor PhD |
Vesna |
Blagojević |
associate professor |
The Department of Telecommunications |
vesna.golubovic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-304 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Vesna Blagojevic |
professor PhD |
Miloš |
Vujisić |
associate professor |
The Department of Microelectronics and Technical Physics |
vujsa@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-405 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Milos Vujisic |
professor PhD |
Sanja |
Vujnović |
associate professor |
The Department of Signals and Systems |
svujnovic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
3218-416 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Sanja Vujnovic |
professor PhD |
Pavle |
Vuletić |
associate professor |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
pavle.vuletic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-465 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Pavle Vuletic |
professor PhD |
Ana |
Gavrovska |
associate professor |
The Department of Telecommunications |
anaga777@etf.rs |
011/3218-350 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Ana Gavrovska |
professor PhD |
Jovana |
Gojanović |
associate professor |
The Department of Microelectronics and Technical Physics |
jovana@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-309 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Jovana Gojanovic |
professor PhD |
Goran |
Dobrić |
associate professor |
The Department of Power Systems |
dobric@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-327 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Goran Dobric |
professor PhD |
Dražen |
Drašković |
associate professor |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
drazen.draskovic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-392 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Drazen Draskovic |
professor PhD |
Radivoje |
Đurić |
associate professor |
The Department of Electronics |
rade@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-301 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Radivoje Djuric |
professor PhD |
Mileta |
Žarković |
associate professor |
The Department of Power Systems |
mileta@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-340 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Mileta Zarkovic |
professor PhD |
Bratislav |
Iričanin |
associate professor |
The Department of Applied Mathematics |
iricanin@etf.bg.ac.rs |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Bratislav Iricanin |
professor PhD |
Milica |
Janković |
associate professor |
The Department of Signals and Systems |
piperski@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-345 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Milica Jankovic |
professor PhD |
Kosta |
Jovanović |
associate professor |
The Department of Signals and Systems |
kostaj@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-318 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Kosta Jovanovic |
professor PhD |
Nenad |
Jovičić |
associate professor |
The Department of Electronics |
nenad@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-405 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Nenad Jovicic |
professor PhD |
Tamara |
Koledin |
associate professor |
The Department of Applied Mathematics |
tamara@etf.bg.ac.rs |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Tamara Koledin |
professor PhD |
Aleksandra |
Krstić |
associate professor |
The Department of Signals and Systems |
amarjanovic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-416 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Aleksandra Krstic |
professor PhD |
Marko |
Krstić |
associate professor |
The Department of Microelectronics and Technical Physics |
marko.krstic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-444 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Marko Krstic |
professor PhD |
Goran |
Marković |
associate professor |
The Department of Telecommunications |
gmarkovic@etf.rs |
011/3218-305 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Goran Markovic |
professor PhD |
Nadica |
Miljković |
associate professor |
The Department of Signals and Systems |
nadica.miljkovic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-348 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Nadica Miljkovic |
professor PhD |
Dragan |
Mihić |
associate professor |
The Department of Power Drives and Converters |
dragan84m@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-333 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Dragan Mihic |
professor PhD |
Marko |
Mišić |
associate professor |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
marko.misic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-392 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Marko Misic |
professor PhD |
Veljko |
Papić |
associate professor |
The Department of Signals and Systems |
papic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-411 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Veljko Papic |
professor PhD |
Marija |
Punt |
associate professor |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
marija.punt@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-392 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Marija Punt |
professor PhD |
Zaharije |
Radivojević |
associate professor |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
zaki@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-392 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Zaharije Radivojevic |
professor PhD |
Vladimir |
Rajović |
associate professor |
The Department of Electronics |
rajo@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-405 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Vladimir Rajovic |
professor PhD |
Leposava |
Ristić |
associate professor |
The Department of Power Drives and Converters |
lela@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-364 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Leposava Ristic |
professor PhD |
Aleksandar |
Savić |
associate professor |
The Department of Power Systems |
savic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-402 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Aleksandar Savic |
professor PhD |
Goran |
Savić |
associate professor |
The Department of Electronics |
gsavic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3370-089 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Goran Savic |
professor PhD |
Slobodan |
Savić |
associate professor |
The Department of General Electrical Engineering |
ssavic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-351 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Slobodan Savic |
professor PhD |
Žarko |
Stanisavljević |
associate professor |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
zarko@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-392 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Zarko Stanisavljevic |
professor |
Koviljka |
Stanković |
associate professor |
The Department of Microelectronics and Technical Physics |
kstankovic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3370-186 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor Koviljka Stankovic |
professor PhD |
Saša |
Stojanović |
associate professor |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
stojsasa@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-385 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Sasa Stojanovic |
professor PhD |
Predrag |
Tadić |
associate professor |
The Department of Signals and Systems |
tadicp@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218397 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Predrag Tadic |
professor PhD |
Miodrag |
Tasić |
associate professor |
The Department of General Electrical Engineering |
tasic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-353 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Miodrag Tasic |
professor PhD |
Mladen |
Terzić |
associate professor |
The Department of Power Drives and Converters |
terzic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-368 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Mladen Terzic |
professor PhD |
Jovan |
Trifunović |
associate professor |
The Department of Power Drives and Converters |
jovan.trifunovic@etf.rs |
011/3218-332 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Jovan Trifunovic |
professor PhD |
Jelena |
Ćertić |
associate professor |
The Department of Telecommunications |
certic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-347 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Jelena Certic |
professor PhD |
Nataša |
Ćirović |
associate professor |
The Department of Applied Mathematics |
natasa@etf.bg.ac.rs |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Natasa Cirovic |
professor PhD |
Miloš |
Cvetanović |
associate professor |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
cmilos@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-385 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Milos Cvetanovic |
professor PhD |
Jasna |
Crnjanski |
associate professor |
The Department of Microelectronics and Technical Physics |
jafa@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-443 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Jasna Crnjanski |
professor PhD |
Darko |
Šošić |
associate professor |
The Department of Power Systems |
sosic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-360 |
11 |
nastavnik |
professor PhD Darko Sosic |
asst. professor PhD |
Nikola |
Basta |
assistant professor |
The Department of General Electrical Engineering |
nbasta@etf.rs |
011/3218-353 |
11 |
nastavnik |
asst. professor PhD Nikola Basta |
asst. professor PhD |
Miloš |
Bjelić |
assistant professor |
The Department of Telecommunications |
bjelic@etf.rs |
3218-361 |
11 |
nastavnik |
asst. professor PhD Milos Bjelic |
asst. professor PhD |
Bogdan |
Brković |
assistant professor |
The Department of Power Drives and Converters |
brkovic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-374 |
11 |
nastavnik |
asst. professor PhD Bogdan Brkovic |
asst. professor PhD |
Maja |
Vukasović |
assistant professor |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
majav@etf.rs |
011/3218-392 |
11 |
nastavnik |
asst. professor PhD Maja Vukasovic |
asst. professor PhD |
Nikola |
Vuković |
assistant professor |
The Department of Microelectronics and Technical Physics |
nvukovic@etf.rs |
011/3218-309 |
11 |
nastavnik |
asst. professor PhD Nikola Vukovic |
asst. professor PhD |
Dušan |
Grujić |
assistant professor |
The Department of Electronics |
dusan.grujic@etf.rs |
011/3370-167 |
11 |
nastavnik |
asst. professor PhD Dusan Grujic |
asst. professor PhD |
Jelena |
Dinkić |
assistant professor |
The Department of General Electrical Engineering |
jdinkic@etf.rs |
011/3218-386 |
11 |
nastavnik |
asst. professor PhD Jelena Dinkic |
asst. professor PhD |
Dragomir |
El Mezeni |
assistant professor |
The Department of Electronics |
elmezeni@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-365 |
11 |
nastavnik |
asst. professor PhD Dragomir El Mezeni |
asst. professor PhD |
Milan |
Ignjatović |
assistant professor |
The Department of Microelectronics and Technical Physics |
ignjatovic@etf.rs |
011/3218-441 |
11 |
nastavnik |
asst. professor PhD Milan Ignjatovic |
asst. professor PhD |
Miloš |
Ječmenica |
assistant professor |
The Department of Power Drives and Converters |
jecmenica@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-368 |
11 |
nastavnik |
asst. professor PhD Milos Jecmenica |
asst. professor PhD |
Vladimir |
Jocović |
assistant professor |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
jocke@etf.rs |
11 |
nastavnik |
asst. professor PhD Vladimir Jocovic |
asst. professor PhD |
Milica |
Karapetrović |
assistant professor |
The Department of Applied Mathematics |
milica@etf.rs |
3218-367 |
11 |
nastavnik |
asst. professor PhD Milica Karapetrovic |
asst. professor PhD |
Mladen |
Koprivica |
assistant professor |
The Department of Telecommunications |
kopra@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-350 |
11 |
nastavnik |
asst. professor PhD Mladen Koprivica |
asst. professor PhD |
Jelisaveta |
Krstivojević |
assistant professor |
The Department of Power Systems |
j.krstivojevic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-340 |
11 |
nastavnik |
asst. professor PhD Jelisaveta Krstivojevic |
asst. professor PhD |
Bojana |
Mihailović |
assistant professor |
The Department of Applied Mathematics |
mihailovicb@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-316 |
11 |
nastavnik |
asst. professor PhD Bojana Mihailovic |
asst. professor PhD |
Vladimir |
Petrović |
assistant professor |
The Department of Electronics |
petrovicv@etf.rs |
011/3218-365 |
11 |
nastavnik |
asst. professor PhD Vladimir Petrovic |
asst. professor PhD |
Jovana |
Petrović |
assistant professor |
The Department of General Electrical Engineering |
jovanap@etf.rs |
011/3218-386 |
11 |
nastavnik |
asst. professor PhD Jovana Petrovic |
asst. professor PhD |
Jelena |
Popović Božović |
assistant professor |
The Department of Electronics |
jelena@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-310 |
11 |
nastavnik |
asst. professor PhD Jelena Popovic Bozovic |
asst. professor PhD |
Uroš |
Radenković |
assistant professor |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
uki@etf.rs |
011/3218-392 |
11 |
nastavnik |
asst. professor PhD Uros Radenkovic |
asst. professor PhD |
Tomislav |
Rajić |
assistant professor |
The Department of Power Systems |
rajic@etf.rs |
3218-337 |
11 |
nastavnik |
asst. professor PhD Tomislav Rajic |
asst. professor PhD |
Milica |
Savatović |
assistant professor |
The Department of Applied Mathematics |
milica.makragic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-367 |
11 |
nastavnik |
asst. professor PhD Milica Savatovic |
asst. professor PhD |
Jelena |
Stojković Terzić |
assistant professor |
The Department of Power Systems |
jstojkovic@etf.rs |
011/3218-344 |
11 |
nastavnik |
asst. professor PhD Jelena Stojkovic Terzic |
asst. professor PhD |
Bojana |
Škrbić |
assistant professor |
The Department of Power Systems |
bskrbic@etf.rs |
011/3218-341 |
11 |
nastavnik |
asst. professor PhD Bojana Skrbic |
asst. professor PhD |
Živojin |
Šuštran |
assistant professor |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
zika@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-385 |
11 |
nastavnik |
asst. professor PhD Zivojin Sustran |
PhD |
Dragana |
Đorđević |
science advisor |
Associates without titles |
81 |
nastavnik |
PhD Dragana Djordjevic |
PhD |
Nenad |
Korolija |
senior science associate |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
nenadko@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-389 |
82 |
nastavnik |
PhD Nenad Korolija |
PhD |
Andrej |
Savić |
senior science associate |
Science and Research Centre |
andrej_savic@etf.rs |
011/3218-348 |
41 |
nastavnik |
PhD Andrej Savic |
Iva |
Batić |
science associate |
Science and Research Centre |
iva@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-360 |
41 |
saradnik |
Iva Batic |
PhD |
Filip |
Bečanović |
science associate |
Science and Research Centre |
filip.becanovic@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218318 |
41 |
saradnik |
PhD Filip Becanovic |
PhD |
Zaviša |
Gordić |
science associate |
Science and Research Centre |
zavisa@etf.rs |
011/3218-318 |
41 |
saradnik |
PhD Zavisa Gordic |
PhD |
Branko |
Lukić |
science associate |
Science and Research Centre |
branko@etf.rs |
011/3218318 |
42 |
saradnik |
PhD Branko Lukic |
PhD |
Maja |
Trumić |
science associate |
Science and Research Centre |
maja.trumic@etf.rs |
42 |
saradnik |
PhD Maja Trumic |
Marija |
Čakajac |
science associate |
Science and Research Centre |
011/3218-405 |
42 |
saradnik |
Marija Cakajac |
PhD |
Miloš |
Đurić |
foreign language teacher |
The Department of General Education |
djuric@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-366 |
11 |
saradnik |
PhD Milos Djuric |
PhD |
Dunja |
Živanović |
foreign language teacher |
The Department of General Education |
dunja@etf.rs |
011/3218-366 |
11 |
saradnik |
PhD Dunja Zivanovic |
asst. MA |
Vladimir |
Antonijević |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Power Systems |
antonijevic@etf.rs |
3218-327 |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Vladimir Antonijevic |
asst. MA |
Petar |
Atanasijević |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Microelectronics and Technical Physics |
petarat@etf.rs |
011/3218382 |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Petar Atanasijevic |
asst. MA |
Mladen |
Banović |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Microelectronics and Technical Physics |
mladen@etf.rs |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Mladen Banovic |
asst. |
Danijela |
Branković |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Applied Mathematics |
danijela@etf.rs |
011/3218-367 |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. Danijela Brankovic |
asst. MA |
Marko |
Burdžić |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Telecommunications |
marko.burdzic@etf.rs |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Marko Burdzic |
asst. MA |
Danilo |
Đokić |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Electronics |
djokicd@etf.rs |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Danilo Djokic |
asst. MA |
Jovan |
Đukić |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
dj@etf.rs |
011/3218-389 |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Jovan Djukic |
asst. MA |
Kristijan |
Žiža |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
ziza@etf.rs |
011/3370-161 |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Kristijan Ziza |
asst. MA |
Dušan |
Jakovljević |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Microelectronics and Technical Physics |
jakovljevic@etf.rs |
309 |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Dusan Jakovljevic |
asst. MA |
Nikola |
Knežević |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Signals and Systems |
knezevic@etf.rs |
011/3218-318 |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Nikola Knezevic |
asst. |
Anja |
Kovačević |
teaching assistant |
The Department of General Electrical Engineering |
anja@etf.rs |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. Anja Kovacevic |
asst. MA |
Žarko |
Koprivica |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Power Drives and Converters |
kopri@etf.rs |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Zarko Koprivica |
asst. MA |
Đorđe |
Lazović |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Power Systems |
lazovic@etf.rs |
011/3218-341 |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Djordje Lazovic |
asst. MA |
Milovan |
Majstorović |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Power Drives and Converters |
majstorovic@etf.rs |
011/3218316 |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Milovan Majstorovic |
asst. MA |
Danko |
Miladinović |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
danko@etf.rs |
011/3218-389 |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Danko Miladinovic |
asst. MA |
Adrian |
Milaković |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
aki@etf.rs |
011/3218-465 |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Adrian Milakovic |
asst. PhD |
Aleksandar |
Milić |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Power Drives and Converters |
milic.aleksandar@etf.rs |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. PhD Aleksandar Milic |
asst. MA |
Lazar |
Mitrović |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Telecommunications |
lazar@etf.rs |
011/3218-305 |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Lazar Mitrovic |
asst. MA |
Milena |
Mićić |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Microelectronics and Technical Physics |
milenam@etf.bg.ac.rs |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Milena Micic |
asst. MA |
Marko |
Mićović |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
micko@etf.rs |
011/3218-392 |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Marko Micovic |
asst. MA |
Jelena |
Mladenović |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Telecommunications |
jelenam@etf.rs |
011/3218-350 |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Jelena Mladenovic |
asst. MA |
Darko |
Ninković |
teaching assistant |
The Department of General Electrical Engineering |
darko@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-351 |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Darko Ninkovic |
asst. MA |
Marija |
Novičić |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Signals and Systems |
novicic@etf.rs |
011/3218-461 |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Marija Novicic |
asst. MA |
Marko |
Novković |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Power Drives and Converters |
novkovic@etf.rs |
011/3218-328 |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Marko Novkovic |
asst. MA |
Miloš |
Obradović |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
miobra@etf.rs |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Milos Obradovic |
asst. MA |
Predrag |
Obradović |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
pedjao@etf.rs |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Predrag Obradovic |
asst. MA |
Mihajlo |
Ogrizović |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
ogrizovic@etf.rs |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Mihajlo Ogrizovic |
asst. MA |
Nikola |
Petrović |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Electronics |
p.z.nikola@etf.rs |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Nikola Petrovic |
asst. MA |
Dimitrije |
Popović |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Microelectronics and Technical Physics |
dimitrije@etf.rs |
011/3218-186 |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Dimitrije Popovic |
asst. |
Milica |
Radojević |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Applied Mathematics |
milica.radojevic@etf.rs |
011/3218-367 |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. Milica Radojevic |
asst. MA |
Sanja |
Radosavljević |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
sanjad@etf.rs |
011/3218-392 |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Sanja Radosavljevic |
asst. MA |
Milica |
Spasić |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Power Drives and Converters |
m.jevtic@etf.rs |
011/3218-332 |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Milica Spasic |
asst. MA |
Aleksa |
Srbljanović |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
aleksas@etf.rs |
011/3218-392 |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Aleksa Srbljanovic |
asst. |
Aleksa |
Stojić |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Signals and Systems |
aleksa.stojic@etf.rs |
011/3218-434 |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. Aleksa Stojic |
asst. MA |
Haris |
Turkmanović |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Electronics |
haris@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3370-089 |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Haris Turkmanovic |
asst. MA |
Jelica |
Cincović |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
jelica@etf.rs |
011/3218 392 |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Jelica Cincovic |
asst. MA |
Tamara |
Šekularac Obradović |
teaching assistant |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
tasha@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-392 |
21 |
saradnik |
asst. MA Tamara Sekularac Obradovic |
Đorđe |
Antić |
teaching associate |
The Department of Electronics |
djole@etf.rs |
21 |
saradnik |
Djordje Antic |
David |
Buzgo |
teaching associate |
The Department of Applied Mathematics |
buzgo@etf.bg.ac.rs |
011/3218-367 |
21 |
saradnik |
David Buzgo |
Miloš |
Vujčić |
teaching associate |
The Department of Applied Mathematics |
mvujcic@etf.rs |
21 |
saradnik |
Milos Vujcic |
Matija |
Dodović |
teaching associate |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
mdodovic@etf.rs |
011/3218-392 |
21 |
saradnik |
Matija Dodovic |
Anastasija |
Đudurović |
teaching associate |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
anastasijadj@etf.rs |
21 |
saradnik |
Anastasija Djudurovic |
Doroteja |
Zarev |
teaching associate |
The Department of Power Drives and Converters |
doroteja.zarev@etf.rs |
21 |
saradnik |
Doroteja Zarev |
Aleksa |
Jovanović |
teaching associate |
The Department of Signals and Systems |
011/3218-434 |
21 |
saradnik |
Aleksa Jovanovic |
Lazar |
Lukić |
teaching associate |
The Department of Power Drives and Converters |
lazar.lukic@etf.rs |
21 |
saradnik |
Lazar Lukic |
Miloš |
Milošević |
teaching associate |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
mm@etf.rs |
21 |
saradnik |
Milos Milosevic |
Teodora |
Radaljac |
teaching associate |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
teodora@etf.bg.ac.rs |
21 |
saradnik |
Teodora Radaljac |
Nikola |
Stanković |
teaching associate |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
nikolas@etf.rs |
21 |
saradnik |
Nikola Stankovic |
Aleksa |
Stoimenov |
teaching associate |
The Department of Telecommunications |
a.stoimenov@etf.rs |
011/3218-379 |
21 |
saradnik |
Aleksa Stoimenov |
Maša |
Tiosavljević |
teaching associate |
The Department of Signals and Systems |
masa.tiosavljevic@etf.rs |
011/3218-434 |
21 |
saradnik |
Masa Tiosavljevic |
Janko |
Tufegdžić |
teaching associate |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
janko@etf.bg.ac.rs |
21 |
saradnik |
Janko Tufegdzic |
Balša |
Ćeranić |
teaching associate |
The Department of Power Drives and Converters |
ceranic@etf.rs |
21 |
saradnik |
Balsa Ceranic |
Luka |
Hrvačević |
teaching associate |
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
lukah@etf.bg.ac.rs |
21 |
saradnik |
Luka Hrvacevic |
Andrej |
Šavikin |
teaching associate |
The Department of Electronics |
sava@etf.rs |
21 |
saradnik |
Andrej Savikin |
MA |
Tatjana |
Miljković |
research associate |
Science and Research Centre |
tm@etf.rs |
42 |
saradnik |
MA Tatjana Miljkovic |
MA |
Miloš |
Petrović |
research associate |
Science and Research Centre |
petrovic.milos@etf.rs |
42 |
saradnik |
MA Milos Petrovic |
MA |
Nikola |
Borović |
research trainee |
Science and Research Centre |
nikola.borovic@etf.rs |
+381/113218365 |
42 |
saradnik |
MA Nikola Borovic |
MA |
Živana |
Garašević |
research trainee |
Science and Research Centre |
42 |
saradnik |
MA Zivana Garasevic |
MA |
Luka |
Kostić |
research trainee |
The Department of Power Drives and Converters |
luka@etf.rs |
82 |
saradnik |
MA Luka Kostic |
MA |
Miloš |
Mićović |
research trainee |
Science and Research Centre |
milos.micovic@etf.rs |
011/3218-317 |
42 |
saradnik |
MA Milos Micovic |
MA |
Marija |
Ratković |
research trainee |
Science and Research Centre |
rm@etf.rs |
+381113218376 |
42 |
saradnik |
MA Marija Ratkovic |
MA |
Lazar |
Smiljković |
research trainee |
Science and Research Centre |
lazarsmiljkovic@etf.rs |
011/3218392 |
42 |
saradnik |
MA Lazar Smiljkovic |