professor PhD Vladimir Rajović
Zgrada tehničkih fakulteta, kancelarija 24
011/3218-405 | |
Title | electrical engineer, PhD |
Promotion Date | November 18, 2024 |
Subjects from the curriculum 2013
Papers in journals with SCI list
Toward Energy Efficient Battery State of Charge Estimation on Embedded Platforms
H. Turkmanović, I. Popović, V. Rajović, Toward Energy Efficient Battery State of Charge Estimation on Embedded Platforms, Electronics , Vol. 13, No. 21, Oct, 2024
Authors | Haris Turkmanović, Ivan Popović, and Vladimir Rajović |
Year | 2024 |
DOI | 10.3390/electronics13214256 |
Journal | Electronics |
Impact factor | 2.9 (M22) |
Volumen | 13 |
Number | 21 |
Page from | 4256 |
High Performance Software Architectures for Remote High-Speed Data Acquisition
H. Turkmanović, M. Karličić, V. Rajović, I. Popović, High Performance Software Architectures for Remote High-Speed Data Acquisition, Electronics , Vol. 12, No. 20, Oct, 2023
Authors | Haris Turkmanović, Mihajlo Karličić, Vladimir Rajović, and Ivan Popović |
Year | 2023 |
DOI | 10.3390/electronics12204206 |
Journal | Electronics |
Impact factor | 2.9 (M22) |
Volumen | 12 |
Number | 20 |
Behavioural Classification of Cattle Using Neck-Mounted Accelerometer-Equipped Collars
D. Pavlovic, M. Czerkawski, C. Davison, O. Marko, C. Michie, R. Atkinson, V. Crnojevic, I. Andonovic, V. Rajović, G. Kvaščev, C. Tachtatzis, Behavioural Classification of Cattle Using Neck-Mounted Accelerometer-Equipped Collars, SENSORS, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 1 - 18, Mar, 2022
Authors | Dejan Pavlovic, Mikolaj Czerkawski, Christopher Davison, Oskar Marko, Craig Michie, Robert Atkinson, Vladimir Crnojevic, Ivan Andonovic, Vladimir Rajović, Goran Kvaščev, and Christos Tachtatzis |
Year | 2022 |
DOI | 10.3390/s22062323 |
Journal | SENSORS |
Impact factor | 3.9 (M21) |
Volumen | 22 |
Number | 6 |
Page from | 1 |
Page to | 18 |
A Distributed Method for Self-Calibration of Magnetoresistive Angular Position Sensor within a Servo System
V. Čeperković, V. Rajović, M. Prokin, A Distributed Method for Self-Calibration of Magnetoresistive Angular Position Sensor within a Servo System, SENSORS, Vol. 22, No. 16, pp. 5974 - 5974, Aug, 2022
Authors | Vladimir Čeperković, Vladimir Rajović, and Milan Prokin |
Year | 2022 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.3390/s22165974 |
Journal | SENSORS |
Impact factor | 3.9 (M21) |
Volumen | 22 |
Number | 16 |
Page from | 5974 |
Page to | 5974 |
Digital Image Decoder for Efficient Hardware Implementation
Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, Dragana Prokin, Digital Image Decoder for Efficient Hardware Implementation, SENSORS, Vol. 22, No. 23, pp. 1 - 26, Dec, 2022
Authors | Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, and Dragana Prokin |
Year | 2022 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.3390/s22239393 |
Journal | SENSORS |
Impact factor | 3.9 (M21) |
Volumen | 22 |
Number | 23 |
Page from | 1 |
Page to | 26 |
Memory Efficient Hardware Architecture for 5/3 Lifting-Based 2-D Forward Discrete Wavelet Transform
Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, Dragana Prokin, Memory Efficient Hardware Architecture for 5/3 Lifting-Based 2-D Forward Discrete Wavelet Transform, MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROSYSTEMS, Vol. 87, No. 104176, pp. 1 - 12, Nov, 2021
Authors | Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, and Dragana Prokin |
Year | 2021 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micpro.2021.104176 |
Impact factor | 3.503 (M21) |
Volumen | 87 |
Number | 104176 |
Page from | 1 |
Page to | 12 |
Novel one-dimensional and two-dimensional forward discrete wavelet transform 5/3 filter architectures for efficient hardware implementation
Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, Dragana Prokin, Novel one-dimensional and two-dimensional forward discrete wavelet transform 5/3 filter architectures for efficient hardware implementation, JOURNAL OF REAL-TIME IMAGE PROCESSING, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 1459 - 1478, Oct, 2019
Authors | Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, and Dragana Prokin |
Year | 2019 |
DOI | 10.1007/s11554-016-0656-1 |
Impact factor | 2.588 (M22) |
Volumen | 16 |
Number | 5 |
Page from | 1459 |
Page to | 1478 |
Novel Memory Efficient Hardware Architecture for 5/3 Lifting-Based 2D Inverse DWT
Goran Savić, Vladimir Rajović, Novel Memory Efficient Hardware Architecture for 5/3 Lifting-Based 2D Inverse DWT, JOURNAL OF CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS, AND COMPUTERS, Vol. 28, No. 7, pp. 1950118-1 - 1950118-33, Jun, 2019
Authors | Goran Savić and Vladimir Rajović |
Year | 2019 |
DOI | 10.1142/S0218126619501184 |
Impact factor | 1.363 (M23) |
Volumen | 28 |
Number | 7 |
Page from | 1950118-1 |
Page to | 1950118-33 |
A Floating Linear Voltage Regulator for Powering Large-Scale Differential Communication Networks
N. Jovičić, V. Rajović, A Floating Linear Voltage Regulator for Powering Large-Scale Differential Communication Networks, IEEE ACCESS, Vol. 6, pp. 24669 - 24679, 2018
Authors | Nenad Jovičić and Vladimir Rajović |
Year | 2018 |
DOI | 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2832123 |
Journal | IEEE ACCESS |
Impact factor | 4.098 (M21) |
Volumen | 6 |
Page from | 24669 |
Page to | 24679 |
Efficient one-dimensional forward and inverse discrete wavelet transformers
Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, Dragana Prokin, Efficient one-dimensional forward and inverse discrete wavelet transformers, MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROSYSTEMS, Vol. 63, pp. 28 - 35, Nov, 2018
Authors | Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, and Dragana Prokin |
Year | 2018 |
DOI | 10.1016/j.micpro.2018.08.006 |
Impact factor | 1.049 (M22) |
Volumen | 63 |
Page from | 28 |
Page to | 35 |
High-performance 1-D and 2-D inverse DWT 5/3 filter architectures for efficient hardware implementation
Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, Dragana Prokin, High-performance 1-D and 2-D inverse DWT 5/3 filter architectures for efficient hardware implementation, CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS, AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, Vol. 36, No. 9, pp. 3674 - 3701, Sep, 2017
Authors | Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, and Dragana Prokin |
Year | 2017 |
DOI | 10.1007/s00034-016-0477-2 |
Impact factor | 1.998 (M22) |
Volumen | 36 |
Number | 9 |
Page from | 3674 |
Page to | 3701 |
Smart Ionization Chamber for Gamma-Ray Monitoring
V. Drndarević, N. Jevtić, V. Rajović, S. Stanković, Smart Ionization Chamber for Gamma-Ray Monitoring, NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY AND RADIATION PROTECTION, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 190 - 198, 2014
Authors | Vujo Drndarević, Nenad Jevtić, Vladimir Rajović, and Srboljub Stanković |
Year | 2014 |
DOI | 10.2298/NTRP1403190D |
Impact factor | 1.0 (M22) |
Volumen | 29 |
Number | 3 |
Page from | 190 |
Page to | 198 |
First radiation hardness results of the TeraPixel Active Calorimeter (TPAC) sensor
T. Price, N. Watson, J. Wilson, V. Rajović, D. Cussans, J. Goldstein, R. Head, S. Nash, R. Page, J. Velthuis, J. Strube, M. Stanitzki, P. Dauncey, R. Gao, A. Nomerotski, R. Coath, J. Crooks, R. Turchetta, M. Tyndel, S. Worm, Z. Zhang, First radiation hardness results of the TeraPixel Active Calorimeter (TPAC) sensor, JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 1 - 5, Jan, 2013
Authors | Tony Price, Nigel Watson, John Wilson, Vladimir Rajović, David Cussans, Joel Goldstein, Richard Head, Steve Nash, Ryan Page, Jaap Velthuis, Jan Strube, Marcel Stanitzki, Paul Dauncey, Rui Gao, Andrei Nomerotski, Rebeca Coath, Jamie Crooks, Renato Turchetta, Mike Tyndel, Steven Worm, and Zhige Zhang |
Year | 2013 |
DOI | 10.1088/1748-0221/8/01/P01007 |
Impact factor | 1.869 (M21) |
Volumen | 8 |
Number | 1 |
Page from | 1 |
Page to | 5 |
Combined one-dimensional lowpass and highpass filters for subband transformer
Vladimir Rajović, Goran Savić, Vladimir Čeperković, Milan Prokin, Combined one-dimensional lowpass and highpass filters for subband transformer, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, Vol. 49, No. 18, pp. 1150 - 1152, Aug, 2013
Authors | Vladimir Rajović, Goran Savić, Vladimir Čeperković, and Milan Prokin |
Year | 2013 |
DOI | 10.1049/el.2013.0931 |
Impact factor | 1.068 (M22) |
Volumen | 49 |
Number | 18 |
Page from | 1150 |
Page to | 1152 |
Beam test results of FORTIS, a 4T MAPS sensor with a signal-to-noise ratio exceeding 100
J. J. Velthuis, D. Cussans, V. Rajović, J. Goldstein, J. A. Wilson, S. D. Worm, R. E. Coath, J. P. Crooks, R. Page, P. D. Dauncey, R. Gao, R. Head, O. D. Miller, S. Nash, A. Nomerotski, T. Price, M. Stanitzki, J. Strube, R. Turchetta, M. Tyndel, N. K. Watson, Z. Zhang, Beam test results of FORTIS, a 4T MAPS sensor with a signal-to-noise ratio exceeding 100, JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION, Vol. 6, No. 12, pp. 1 - 8, 2011
Authors | Jaap J. Velthuis, David Cussans, Vladimir Rajović, Joel Goldstein, John A. Wilson, Steven D. Worm, Rebeca E. Coath, Jamie P. Crooks, Ryan Page, Paul D. Dauncey, Rui Gao, Richard Head, Owen D. Miller, Steve Nash, Andrei Nomerotski, Tony Price, Marcel Stanitzki, Jan Strube, Renato Turchetta, Mike Tyndel, Nigel K. Watson, and Zhige Zhang |
Year | 2011 |
DOI | 10.1088/1748-0221/6/12/P12006 |
Impact factor | 3.148 (M21) |
Volumen | 6 |
Number | 12 |
Page from | 1 |
Page to | 8 |
Design and performance of a CMOS study sensor for a binary readout electromagnetic calorimeter
J. A. Ballin, R. Coath, J. P. Crooks, P. D. Dauncey, A-M. Magnan, Y. Mikami, O. D. Miller, M. Noy, V. Rajović, M. Stanitzki, K. D. Stefanov, R. Turchetta, M. Tyndel, E. G. Villani, N. K. Watson, J. A. Wilson, Z. Zhang, Design and performance of a CMOS study sensor for a binary readout electromagnetic calorimeter, JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 1 - 36, 2011
Authors | Jamie A. Ballin, Rebeca E. Coath, Jamie P. Crooks, Paul D. Dauncey, Anne-Marie Magnan, Yoshinari Mikami, Owen D. Miller, Mathew Noy, Vladimir Rajović, Marcel Stanitzki, Konstantin D. Stefanov, Renato Turchetta, Mike Tyndel, Enrico G. Villani, Nigel K. Watson, John A. Wilson, and Zhige Zhang |
Year | 2011 |
DOI | 10.1088/1748-0221/6/05/P05009 |
Impact factor | 3.148 (M21) |
Volumen | 6 |
Number | 5 |
Page from | 1 |
Page to | 36 |
Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) in a Quadruple Well Technology for Nearly 100% Fill Factor and Full CMOS Pixels
Jamie A. Ballin, Jamie P. Crooks, Paul D. Dauncey, Anne-Marie Magnan, Yoshinari Mikami, Owen D. Miller, Mathew Noy, Vladimir Rajovic, Marcel Stanitzki, Konstantin Stefanov, Renato Turchetta, Mike Tyndel, Enrico G. Villani, Nigel K. Watson, John A. Wilson, Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) in a Quadruple Well Technology for Nearly 100% Fill Factor and Full CMOS Pixels, SENSORS, Vol. 8, No. 9, pp. 5336 - 5351, 2008
Authors | Jamie A. Ballin, Jamie P. Crooks, Paul D. Dauncey, Anne-Marie Magnan, Yoshinari Mikami, Owen D. Miller, Mathew Noy, Vladimir Rajović, Marcel Stanitzki, Konstantin Stefanov, Renato Turchetta, Mike Tyndel, Enrico G. Villani, Nigel K. Watson, and John A. Wilson |
Year | 2008 |
DOI | 10.3390/s8095336 |
Journal | SENSORS |
Impact factor | 1.87 |
Volumen | 8 |
Number | 9 |
Page from | 5336 |
Page to | 5351 |
Dynamic Voltage-Current Characteristics of Unipolar Pulse Glow Discharge
I. Popović, V. Rajović, M. Zlatanović, Dynamic Voltage-Current Characteristics of Unipolar Pulse Glow Discharge, MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM, Vol. 494, pp. 315 - 320, Aug, 2005
Authors | Ivan Popović, Vladimir Rajović, and Miodrag Zlatanović |
Year | 2005 |
DOI | 10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.494.315 |
Impact factor | 0.602 |
Volumen | 494 |
Page from | 315 |
Page to | 320 |
Papers in journals outside the SCI list
Optimal Hardware Realization of Direct Subband Transformer
Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, Dragana Prokin, Optimal Hardware Realization of Direct Subband Transformer, TEHNIKA, Vol. Special edition, pp. 83 - 89, Dec, 2015
Authors | Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, and Dragana Prokin |
Year | 2015 |
Journal | TEHNIKA |
Volumen | Special edition |
Page from | 83 |
Page to | 89 |
Optimalna hardverska realizacija direktnog podopsežnog transformatora
Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, Dragana Prokin, Optimalna hardverska realizacija direktnog podopsežnog transformatora, TEHNIKA, Vol. 64, No. 5, pp. 815 - 821, Nov, 2015
Authors | Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, and Dragana Prokin |
Year | 2015 |
DOI | 10.5937/tehnika1505815S |
Journal | TEHNIKA |
Volumen | 64 |
Number | 5 |
Page from | 815 |
Page to | 821 |
A MAPS-based readout for a Tera-Pixel electromagnetic calorimeter at the ILC
Jamie A. Ballin, Jamie P. Crooks, Paul D. Dauncey, B. Levin, M. Lynch, Anne-Marie Magnan, Yoshinari Mikami, Owen D. Miller, Mathew Noy, Vladimir Rajovic, Marcel Stanitzki, Konstantin Stefanov, Renato Turchetta, Mike Tyndel, Enrico G. Villani, Nigel K. Watson, John A. Wilson, A MAPS-based readout for a Tera-Pixel electromagnetic calorimeter at the ILC, NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS, Vol. 197, No. 1, pp. 342 - 345, 2009
Authors | Jamie A. Ballin, Jamie P. Crooks, Paul D. Dauncey, Barnaby Levin, Michael Lynch, Anne-Marie Magnan, Yoshinari Mikami, Owen D. Miller, Mathew Noy, Vladimir Rajović, Marcel Stanitzki, Konstantin Stefanov, Renato Turchetta, Mike Tyndel, Enrico G. Villani, Nigel K. Watson, and John A. Wilson |
Year | 2009 |
DOI | 10.1016/j.nuclphysbps:2009.10.099 |
Volumen | 197 |
Number | 1 |
Page from | 342 |
Page to | 345 |
A MAPS-based readout of an electromagnetic calorimeter for the ILC
J. Crooks, M. Stanitzki, K. Stefanov, R. Turchetta, M. Tyndel, E. Villani, Y. Mikami, O. Miller, V. Rajović, N. Watson, J. Wilson, J. Ballin, P. Dauncey, A. Magnan, M. Noy, A MAPS-based readout of an electromagnetic calorimeter for the ILC, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, Vol. 110, No. 9, pp. 1 - 3, 2008
Authors | J.P. Crooks, M. Stanitzki, K.D. Stefanov, R. Turchetta, M. Tyndel, E.G. Villani, Y. Mikami, O. Miller, Vladimir Rajović, N.K. Watson, J.A. Wilson, J.A. Ballin, P.D. Dauncey, A.-M. Magnan, and M. Noy |
Year | 2008 |
DOI | 10.1088/1742-6596/110/9/092035 |
Volumen | 110 |
Number | 9 |
Page from | 1 |
Page to | 3 |
A contribution to the problem of coexistence of two periodical solutions of the Hill's equation
D. Dimitrovski, V. Rajović, A contribution to the problem of coexistence of two periodical solutions of the Hill's equation, KRAGUJEVAC JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, No. 30, pp. 99 - 117, 2007
Authors | Dragan Dimitrovski and Vladimir Rajović |
Year | 2007 |
Number | 30 |
Page from | 99 |
Page to | 117 |
Papers from international conferences
Time-Domain Analysis of a PWM DAC with a First-Order Passive RC Filter
J. Elez, N. Jakišić, D. Đokić, V. Rajović, J. Popović Božović, Time-Domain Analysis of a PWM DAC with a First-Order Passive RC Filter, Proceedings of 32nd Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), pp. 352 - 355, Beograd, Nov, 2024
Authors | Jelena Elez, Nataša Jakišić, Danilo Đokić, Vladimir Rajović, and Jelena Popović Božović |
Year | 2024 |
ISSN/ISBN | 979-8-3503-9105-3 |
Page from | 352 |
Page to | 355 |
An implementation of ECG measuring system
P. Milenković, N. Cvetković, V. Lapčević, G. Rapić, Vladimir Rajović, An implementation of ECG measuring system, 2022 Zooming Innovation in Consumer Technologies Conference (ZINC), pp. 22 - 27, Novi Sad, Serbia, May, 2022
Authors | Pavle Milenković, Nikola Cvetković, Vladan Lapčević, Goran Rapić, and Vladimir Rajović |
Year | 2022 |
ISSN/ISBN | 978-1-6654-8374-2 |
DOI | 10.1109/ZINC55034.2022.9840570. |
Page from | 22 |
Page to | 27 |
Design and Implementation of a Very Small-Scale Environmental Chamber
V. Lapčević, V. Kasalica, K. Telebak, N. Cvetković, P. Milenković, Vladimir Rajović, Design and Implementation of a Very Small-Scale Environmental Chamber, 2022 International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies, pp. 97 - 97, Zlatibor, Serbia, Jul, 2022
Authors | Vladan Lapčević, Vidoje Kasalica, Katarina Telebak, Nikola Cvetković, Pavle Milenković, and Vladimir Rajović |
Year | 2022 |
Page from | 97 |
Page to | 97 |
Wireless Programming of the AVR Microcontroller Family
N. Cvetković, P. Milenković, V. Lapčević, Vladimir Rajović, M. Karličić, G. Rapić, Wireless Programming of the AVR Microcontroller Family, 2022 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET), pp. 1 - 6, Prague, Czech Republic, Jul, 2022
Authors | Nikola Cvetković, Pavle Milenković, Vladan Lapčević, Vladimir Rajović, Mihajlo Karličić, and Goran Rapić |
Year | 2022 |
ISSN/ISBN | 978-1-6654-8374-2 |
DOI | 10.1109/ICECET55527.2022.9872902 |
Page from | 1 |
Page to | 6 |
Implementation of LEACH routing protocol using WiFi
Pavle Lakić, Mihajlo Karličić, Vladimir Rajović, Implementation of LEACH routing protocol using WiFi, 2021 Zooming Innovation in Consumer Technologies Conference (ZINC), pp. 32 - 37, Novi Sad, Serbia, May, 2021
Authors | Pavle Lakić, MIhajlo Karličić, and Vladimir Rajović |
Year | 2021 |
ISSN/ISBN | 978-1-6654-0417-4 |
DOI | 10.1109/ZINC52049.2021.9499310 |
Page from | 32 |
Page to | 37 |
Two approaches to automatic configuration of RS‐485 network
Nikola Cvetković, Pavle Milenković, Nenad Jovičić, Vladimir Rajović, Two approaches to automatic configuration of RS‐485 network, 8th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering IcETRAN 2021, pp. 254 - 259, Ethno Village Stanišići, Republic of Srpska, Sep, 2021
Authors | Nikola Cvetković, Pavle Milenković, Nenad Jovičić, and Vladimir Rajović |
Year | 2021 |
ISSN/ISBN | 978‐86‐7466‐894‐8 |
Page from | 254 |
Page to | 259 |
Quasi-Digital Constant DC Current Sensor
A. Žorić, Vladimir Rajović, N. Žorić, Quasi-Digital Constant DC Current Sensor, International Scientific Conference UNITECH 2021, pp. 148 - 154, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, Nov, 2021
Authors | Aleksandar Žorić, Vladimir Rajović, and Nikola Žorić |
Year | 2021 |
ISSN/ISBN | 1313-230X |
Page from | 148 |
Page to | 154 |
Design of stored grain monitoring system based on NB-IoT
Mihajlo Karličić, Luka Gavrić, Nikola Nešković, Vladimir Rajović, Design of stored grain monitoring system based on NB-IoT, Proceedings of 28th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR) 2020, 24-25 Nov. 2020, Belgrade, Serbia, Beograd, Nov, 2020
Authors | Mihajlo Karličić, Luka Gavrić, Nikola Nešković, and Vladimir Rajović |
Year | 2020 |
Comparative Analysis of Memory Efficient Hardware Architectures for Lifting Based and Non-Stationary Filter Based 5/3 2-D Inverse DWT
Goran Savić, Milan Ponjavić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, Dragana Prokin, Comparative Analysis of Memory Efficient Hardware Architectures for Lifting Based and Non-Stationary Filter Based 5/3 2-D Inverse DWT, The 8th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing MECO 2019, pp. 188 - 191, Budva, Montenegro, Jun, 2019
Authors | Goran Savić, Milan Ponjavić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, and Dragana Prokin |
Year | 2019 |
Page from | 188 |
Page to | 191 |
Performance of FPGA Implementation of the Orthogonal Two-Channel Filter Bank for Perfect Reconstruction
Strahinja M. Stančić, Vladimir M. Rajović, Irena Z. Slijepčević, Performance of FPGA Implementation of the Orthogonal Two-Channel Filter Bank for Perfect Reconstruction, Proceedings of 26th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR) 2018, 20-21 Nov. 2018, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 567 - 570, Beograd, Nov, 2018
Authors | Strahinja Stančić, Vladimir Rajović, and Irena Slijepčević |
Year | 2018 |
Page from | 567 |
Page to | 570 |
Worst Case Start-up Estimation of the Half Wave Capacitive Divider Power Supply
V. Rajović, N. Jovičić, A. Lekić, Worst Case Start-up Estimation of the Half Wave Capacitive Divider Power Supply, IcETRAN-2017, Kladovo, Jun, 2017
Authors | Vladimir Rajović, Nenad Jovičić, and Aleksandra Lekić |
Year | 2017 |
ISSN/ISBN | 978-86-80509-71-6 |
Efficient Forward Discrete Wavelet Transformer
Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, Dragana Prokin, Efficient Forward Discrete Wavelet Transformer, The 6th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing MECO 2017, pp. 163 - 166, Bar, Montenegro, Jun, 2017
Authors | Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, and Dragana Prokin |
Year | 2017 |
Page from | 163 |
Page to | 166 |
Efficient Hardware Realization of Digital Image Decoder
Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, Dragana Prokin, Efficient Hardware Realization of Digital Image Decoder, 25th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR) 2017, pp. 534 - 541, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov, 2017
Authors | Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, and Dragana Prokin |
Year | 2017 |
Page from | 534 |
Page to | 541 |
Efficient Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transformer
Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, Dragana Prokin, Efficient Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transformer, The 6th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing MECO 2017, pp. 167 - 170, Bar, Montenegro, Jun, 2017
Authors | Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, and Dragana Prokin |
Year | 2017 |
Page from | 167 |
Page to | 170 |
Ten axis MEMS as a position sensor
Milorad M. Vujković, Vladimir M. Rajović, Nenad S. Jovičić, Ten axis MEMS as a position sensor, Proceedings of 24th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR) 2016, 22-23 Nov. 2016, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 388 - 391, Beograd, Nov, 2016
Authors | Milorad Vujković, Vladimir Rajović, and Nenad Jovičić |
Year | 2016 |
Page from | 388 |
Page to | 391 |
Hardware Realization of Inverse Subband Transformer with Minimum Used Resources
Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, Dragana Prokin, Hardware Realization of Inverse Subband Transformer with Minimum Used Resources, The 4th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing MECO 2015, pp. 224 - 227, Budva, Montenegro, Jun, 2015
Authors | Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, and Dragana Prokin |
Year | 2015 |
Page from | 224 |
Page to | 227 |
Hardware Realization of Direct Subband Transformer with Minimum Used Resources
Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, Dragana Prokin, Hardware Realization of Direct Subband Transformer with Minimum Used Resources, The 4th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing MECO 2015, pp. 220 - 223, Budva, Montenegro, Jun, 2015
Authors | Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, and Dragana Prokin |
Year | 2015 |
Page from | 220 |
Page to | 223 |
Inverzno filtriranje i kompozicija slike sa minimalnim korišćenim resursima
Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, Dragana Prokin, Inverzno filtriranje i kompozicija slike sa minimalnim korišćenim resursima, 22nd Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR) 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 729 - 732, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov, 2014
Authors | Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, and Dragana Prokin |
Year | 2014 |
Page from | 729 |
Page to | 732 |
Hardware Realization of Fast Image Encoder with Minimum Memory Size
Vladimir Rajović, Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Hardware Realization of Fast Image Encoder with Minimum Memory Size, 22nd Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR) 2014, pp. 717 - 724, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov, 2014
Authors | Vladimir Rajović, Goran Savić, and Milan Prokin |
Year | 2014 |
Page from | 717 |
Page to | 724 |
Direktno filtriranje i dekompozicija slike sa minimalnim korišćenim resursima
Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, Dragana Prokin, Direktno filtriranje i dekompozicija slike sa minimalnim korišćenim resursima, 22nd Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR) 2014, pp. 725 - 728, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov, 2014
Authors | Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, and Dragana Prokin |
Year | 2014 |
Page from | 725 |
Page to | 728 |
An image codec with minimum memory size
V. Rajovic, M. Prokin, V. Ceperkovic, D. Prokin, An image codec with minimum memory size, 2nd Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO) 2013, pp. 148 - 151, Budva, Montenegro, Jun, 2013
Authors | Vladimir Rajović, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Čeperković, and Dragana Prokin |
Year | 2013 |
Page from | 148 |
Page to | 151 |
TPAC: A 0.18 Micron MAPS for Digital Electromagnetic Calorimetry at the ILC
J.A. Ballin, R.E. Coath, J.P. Crooks, P.D. Dauncey, A.-M. Magnan, Y. Mikami, O. Miller, M. Noy, V. Rajović, M. Stanitzki, K.D. Stefanov, R. Turchetta, M. Tyndel, E.G. Villani, N.K. Watson, J.A. Wilson, TPAC: A 0.18 Micron MAPS for Digital Electromagnetic Calorimetry at the ILC, Conference Record of the IEEE Symposium on Nuclear Science, Dresden, Germany, 19th October - 25th October 2008, pp. 2224 - 2227, Dresden, 2008
Authors | J.A. Ballin, R:E. Coath, J.P. Crooks, P.D. Dauncey, A.-M. Magnan, Y. Mikami, O. Miller, M. Noy, Vladimir Rajović, M. Stanitzki, K.D. Stefanov, R. Turchetta, M. Tyndel, E.G. Villani, N.K. Watson, and J.A. Wilson |
Year | 2008 |
ISSN/ISBN | 1082-3654/978-1-4244-2714-7 |
Page from | 2224 |
Page to | 2227 |
Hypothesis About Amplitudes of Mechanical and Electrical Oscillations of the Second and Higher Orders
M. Rajović, D. Dimitrovski, V. Rajović, Hypothesis About Amplitudes of Mechanical and Electrical Oscillations of the Second and Higher Orders, Proceedings of VI International Triennial Conference Heavy Machinery – HM’08, Kraljevo, 24.-29. June 2008, pp. E.23 - E.28, Kraljevo, 2008
Authors | Miloje Rajović, Dragan Dimitrovski, and Vladimir Rajović |
Year | 2008 |
ISSN/ISBN | /978-86-82631-45-3 |
Page from | E.23 |
Page to | E.28 |
Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor for a “Tera-Pixel” ECAL at the ILC
Y. Mikami, O. Miller, V. Rajović, N.K. Watson, J.A. Wilson, J.A. Ballin, P.D. Dauncey, A.-M. Magnan, M. Noy, J.P. Crooks, B. Levin, M. Lynch, M. Stanitzki, K.D. Stefanov, R. Turchetta, M. Tyndel, E.G. Villani, Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor for a “Tera-Pixel” ECAL at the ILC, Proceedings of the 2008 Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics, Naxos, Greece, 15 – 19 September 2008, pp. 63 - 69, Naxos, 2008
Authors | Y. Mikami, O. Miller, Vladimir Rajović, N.K. Watson, J.A. Wilson, J.A. Ballin, P.D. Dauncey, A.-M. Magnan, M. Noy, J.P. Crooks, B. Levin, M. Lynch, M. Stanitzki, K.D. Stefanov, R. Turchetta, M. Tyndel, and E.G. Villani |
Year | 2008 |
ISSN/ISBN | /9789290833246 |
Page from | 63 |
Page to | 69 |
Tera-Pixel Calorimeter for the ILC
J.A. Ballin, J.P. Crooks, P.D. Dauncey, A.-M. Magnan, Y. Mikami, O. Miller, M. Noy, V. Rajović, M. Stanitzki, K.D. Stefanov, R. Turchetta, M. Tyndel, E.G. Villani, N.K. Watson, J.A. Wilson, Tera-Pixel Calorimeter for the ILC, Conference Record of the IEEE Symposium on Nuclear Science, Honolulu, Hawaii, 27th October - 3rd November 2007, pp. 254 - 258, Honolulu, 2007
Authors | J.A. Ballin, J.P. Crooks, P.D. Dauncey, A.-M. Magnan, Y. Mikami, O. Miller, M. Noy, Vladimir Rajović, M. Stanitzki, K.D. Stefanov, R. Turchetta, M. Tyndel, E.G. Villani, N.K. Watson, and J.A. Wilson |
Year | 2007 |
ISSN/ISBN | 1082-3654/978-1-4244-0922-8 |
Page from | 254 |
Page to | 258 |
A Novel CMOS Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor with Analog Signal Processing and 100% Fill Factor
J.A. Ballin, J.P. Crooks, P.D. Dauncey, A.-M. Magnan, Y. Mikami, O. Miller, M. Noy, V. Rajović, M. Stanitzki, K.D. Stefanov, R. Turchetta, M. Tyndel, E.G. Villani, N.K. Watson, J.A. Wilson, A Novel CMOS Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor with Analog Signal Processing and 100% Fill Factor, Conference Record of the IEEE Symposium on Nuclear Science, Honolulu, Hawaii, 27th October - 3rd November 2007, pp. 931 - 935, Honolulu, 2007
Authors | J.A. Ballin, J.P. Crooks, P.D. Dauncey, A.-M. Magnan, Y. Mikami, O. Miller, M. Noy, Vladimir Rajović, M. Stanitzki, K.D. Stefanov, R. Turchetta, M. Tyndel, E.G. Villani, N.K. Watson, and J.A. Wilson |
Year | 2007 |
ISSN/ISBN | 1082-3654/978-1-4244-0922-8 |
Page from | 931 |
Page to | 935 |
MAPS-based digital Electromagnetic Calorimeter for the ILC
Y. Mikami, O. Miller, V. Rajović, N.K. Watson, J.A. Wilson, J.A. Ballin, P.D. Dauncey, A.-M. Magnan, M. Noy, J.P. Crooks, M. Stanitzki, K.D. Stefanov, R. Turchetta, M. Tyndel, E.G. Villani, MAPS-based digital Electromagnetic Calorimeter for the ILC, International Linear Collider Workshop 2007, Hamburg 30/05/2007 – 03/06/2007, Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron, Hamburg, 2007
Authors | Y. Mikami, O. Miller, Vladimir Rajović, N.K. Watson, J.A. Wilson, J.A. Ballin, P.D. Dauncey, A.-M. Magnan, M. Noy, J.P. Crooks, M. Stanitzki, K.D. Stefanov, R. Turchetta, M. Tyndel, and E.G. Villani |
Year | 2007 |
Publisher | Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron |
A MAPS-based readout of an electromagnetic calorimeter for the ILC
J.P. Crooks, M. Stanitzki, K.D. Stefanov, R. Turchetta, M. Tyndel, E.G. Villani, Y. Mikami, O. Miller, V. Rajović, N.K. Watson, J.A. Wilson, J.A. Ballin, P.D. Dauncey, A.-M. Magnan, M. Noy, A MAPS-based readout of an electromagnetic calorimeter for the ILC, The 2007 Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Manchester, European Physical Society, Manchester, 2007
Authors | J.P. Crooks, M. Stanitzki, K.D. Stefanov, R. Turchetta, M. Tyndel, E.G. Villani, Y. Mikami, O. Miller, Vladimir Rajović, N.K. Watson, J.A. Wilson, J.A. Ballin, P.D. Dauncey, A.-M. Magnan, and M. Noy |
Year | 2007 |
Publisher | European Physical Society |
Modeling of Diode Configuration Glow Discharge Impedance Connected to Pulse Power Supply
I. Popović, V. Rajović, M. Zlatanović, Modeling of Diode Configuration Glow Discharge Impedance Connected to Pulse Power Supply, The 32th International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings And Thin Films ICMCTF ’05, American Institute of Physics, San Diego, 2005
Authors | Ivan Popović, Vladimir Rajović, and Miodrag Zlatanović |
Year | 2005 |
Publisher | American Institute of Physics |
Papers from domestic conferences
Bežični senzor dima sa LoRaWAN interfejsom
J. Janković, V. Lapčević, N. Cvetković, P. Milenković, G. Rapić, Vladimir Rajović, Bežični senzor dima sa LoRaWAN interfejsom, Proceedings of 21st International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA, 16-18 March 2022, pp. 150 - 155, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mar, 2022
Authors | Jelena Janković, Vladan Lapčević, Nikola Cvetković, Pavle Milenković, Goran Rapić, and Vladimir Rajović |
Year | 2022 |
ISSN/ISBN | 978-99976-710-1-1 |
Page from | 150 |
Page to | 155 |
Distribuirana bežična mreža za merenje koncentracije ugljen monoksida
Branka Milošević, Vladimir Rajović, Distribuirana bežična mreža za merenje koncentracije ugljen monoksida, Proceedings of 17th International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA, 21-23 March 2018, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mar, 2018
Authors | Branka Milošević and Vladimir Rajović |
Year | 2018 |
ISSN/ISBN | 978-99976-710-1-1 |
Efikasna hardverska implementacija dvodimenzionalne inverzne DWT korišćenjem 5/3 filtara
Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, Dragana Prokin, Efikasna hardverska implementacija dvodimenzionalne inverzne DWT korišćenjem 5/3 filtara, 61. konferencija za elektroniku, telekomunikacije, računarstvo, automatiku i nuklearnu tehniku (ETRAN) 2017, pp. 1.4.1 - 1.4.6, Kladovo, Srbija, Jun, 2017
Authors | Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, and Dragana Prokin |
Year | 2017 |
Page from | 1.4.1 |
Page to | 1.4.6 |
Efikasna hardverska implementacija dvodimenzionalne direktne DWT korišćenjem 5/3 filtara
Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, Dragana Prokin, Efikasna hardverska implementacija dvodimenzionalne direktne DWT korišćenjem 5/3 filtara, 61. konferencija za elektroniku, telekomunikacije, računarstvo, automatiku i nuklearnu tehniku (ETRAN) 2017, pp. 1.3.1 - 1.3.6, Kladovo, Srbija, Jun, 2017
Authors | Goran Savić, Milan Prokin, Vladimir Rajović, and Dragana Prokin |
Year | 2017 |
Page from | 1.3.1 |
Page to | 1.3.6 |
Sliding mode kontrola switched-capacitor konvertora
T. Stojković, A. Lekić, V. Rajović, Sliding mode kontrola switched-capacitor konvertora, Zbornik radova 16. međunarodnog naučno-stručnog simpozijuma INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2017, pp. 681 - 686, Jahorina, Republika Srpska, Feb, 2017
Authors | Tijana Stojković, Aleksandra Lekić, and Vladimir Rajović |
Year | 2017 |
ISSN/ISBN | 978-99976-710-0-4 |
Page from | 681 |
Page to | 686 |
Bežični sistem za sigurnosnu identifikaciju
Nenad Jovičić, Vladimir Rajović, Milijan Ćelić, Slavko Bojić, Bežični sistem za sigurnosnu identifikaciju, Proceedings of 12th International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA, 20-22 March 2013, pp. 65 - 69, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mar, 2013
Authors | Nenad Jovičić, Vladimir Rajović, Milijan Ćelić, and Slavko Bojić |
Year | 2013 |
ISSN/ISBN | 978-99976-710-1-1 |
Page from | 65 |
Page to | 69 |
Other papers
CIFF I-frame Decoder Hardware
Goran Savić, Vladimir Rajović, Ivan Popović, Vladimir Čeperković, Milan Prokin, Dragana Prokin, CIFF I-frame Decoder Hardware, Novi proizvod uveden u proizvodnju na međunarodnom nivou, za Northrop Grumman Systems Corp – Information Systems, USA, preko CIFF BE od CIFF TC, United States of America, 2013
Authors | Goran Savić, Vladimir Rajović, Ivan Popović, Vladimir Čeperković, Milan Prokin, and Dragana Prokin |
Year | 2013 |
Publisher | za Northrop Grumman Systems Corp – Information Systems, USA, preko CIFF BE od CIFF TC |
CIFF I-frame Encoder Hardware
Vladimir Rajović, Goran Savić, Ivan Popović, Vladimir Čeperković, Milan Prokin, Dragana Prokin, CIFF I-frame Encoder Hardware, Novi proizvod uveden u proizvodnju na međunarodnom nivou, za Northrop Grumman Systems Corp – Information Systems, USA, preko CIFF BE od CIFF TC, United States of America, 2012
Authors | Vladimir Rajović, Goran Savić, Ivan Popović, Vladimir Čeperković, Milan Prokin, and Dragana Prokin |
Year | 2012 |
Publisher | za Northrop Grumman Systems Corp – Information Systems, USA, preko CIFF BE od CIFF TC |
Books and bibiliographies
Elementi elektronike - zbirka zadataka
V. Drndarević, N. Jovičić, V. Rajović, Elementi elektronike - zbirka zadataka, Elektrotehnički fakultet - Akademska misao, 2014
Authors | Vujo Drndarević, Nenad Jovičić, and Vladimir Rajović |
Year | 2014 |
Publisher | Elektrotehnički fakultet - Akademska misao |
ISBN | 978-86-7466-525-1 |
Page count | 247 |
Book type | udžbenik |
Page count | 247 |
Zbirka rešenih zadataka iz osnova digitalne elektronike
M. Ponjavić, V. Rajović, L. Karbunar, Zbirka rešenih zadataka iz osnova digitalne elektronike, Akademska misao i Elektrotehni;ki fakultet, 2006
Authors | Milan Ponjavić, Vladimir Rajović, and Lazar Karbunar |
Year | 2006 |
Publisher | Akademska misao i Elektrotehni;ki fakultet |
ISBN | 86-7466-258-7 |
Book type | pomoćni udžbenik |
Otvoren skup alata za profilisanje potrosnje - Horizon 2020
Type of project | HORIZON 2020/ Horizon 2020 cascading |
Head | professor PhD Vladimir Rajović |
Business Partner | STICHTING NLNET |
Beginning of realization | 2023-12-21 |
Type of project | Ostali međunarodni naučnoistraživački projekti |
Head | professor PhD Milan Prokin |
Business Partner | EIT KIC URBAN MOBILITY S.L.U. |
Beginning of realization | 2020-11-18 |
Projektovanje štampanih ploča
Type of project | Ostali međunarodni komercijalni projekti |
Head | professor PhD Vladimir Rajović |
Beginning of realization | 2010-12-07 |
Type of project | TEMPUS |
Head | asst. professor PhD Jelena Popović Božović |
Beginning of realization | 2003-06-01 |
Hardverska, softverska, telekomunikaciona i energetska optimizacija IPTV sistema-NASTAVAK
Type of project | Nauka- Projekti NIO |
Head | professor PhD Milan Prokin |
Beginning of realization | 2020-02-24 |
Razvoj i modelovanje energetski efikasnih, adaptivnih, višeprocesorskih i višesenzorskih elektronskih sistema male snage
Type of project | Nauka- Projekti NIO |
Head | professor PhD Ivan Popović |
Beginning of realization | 2020-02-24 |
Type of project | Projekti-Razvoj visokog obrazovanja |
Head | professor PhD Milan Ponjavić |
Beginning of realization | 2017-12-22 |
Razvoj i modelovanje energetski efikasnih, adaptivnih, višeprocesorskih i višesenzorskih elektronskih sistema male snage
Type of project | Nauka – tehnološki razvoj |
Head | professor PhD Ivan Popović |
Beginning of realization | 2011-03-23 |
Hardverska, softverska, telekomunikaciona i energetska optimizacija IPTV sistema
Type of project | Nauka – tehnološki razvoj |
Head | professor PhD Milan Prokin |
Beginning of realization | 2011-02-28 |
Projetkovanje, izrada i isporuka dobara-kripto uređaja,generatora slučajnog niza
Type of project | Komercijalni projekti sa ministarstvima i državnim organima |
Head | professor PhD Miodrag Popović |
Beginning of realization | 2008-09-03 |
real.ispit.funkc.karak.apl.soft.za kont.fiskal.kas
Type of project | Komercijalni projekti sa ministarstvima i državnim organima |
Head | professor PhD Milan Prokin |
Beginning of realization | 2005-03-15 |
Daljinsko očitavanje fiskalnih kasa
Type of project | Ostali domaći komercijalni projekti |
Head | professor PhD Milan Prokin |
Beginning of realization | 2004-01-01 |
Ispitivaje uzoraka tipa fiskalne kase
Type of project | Komercijalni projekti sa ministarstvima i državnim organima |
Head | professor PhD Milan Prokin |
Beginning of realization | 2003-06-17 |
Sistem geosenzorskih mreza za pracenje nestabilnog terena i vestackih struktura u realnom vremenu, zasnovan na Ai/IoT/ GeoNetSee
Type of project | Interreg Programme |
Head | professor PhD Vladimir Rajović |
Beginning of realization | 2024-02-02 |