
PhD Nenad Korolija

senior science associate
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology

Paviljon Rašović, kancelarija P-26

Title electrical and computer engineer, PhD
Scientific Area Computer engineering and information technology
Promotion Date May 20, 2024


Papers in journals with SCI list

Research in computing‐intensive simulations for nature‐oriented civil‐engineering and related scientific fields, using machine learning and big data: an overview of open problems

Z. Babović, B. Bajat, V. Đokić, F. Đorđević, D. Drašković, N. Filipović, B. Furht, N. Gačić, I. Ikodinović, M. Ilić, A. Irfanoglu, B. Jelenković, A. Kartelj, G. Klimeck, N. Korolija, M. Kotlar, M. Kovačević, V. Kuzmanović, M. Marinković, S. Marković, A. Mendelson, V. Milutinović, A. Nešković, N. Nešković, N. Mitić, B. Nikolić, K. Novoselov, A. Prakash, I. Ratković, Z. Stojadinović, A. Ustyuzhanin, S. Zak, Research in computing‐intensive simulations for nature‐oriented civil‐engineering and related scientific fields, using machine learning and big data: an overview of open problems, Journal of Big Data, Vol. 10, No. 73, May, 2023

Authors Zoran Babović, Branislav Bajat, Vladan Đokić, Filip Đorđević, Dražen Drašković, Nenad Filipović, Borko Furht, Nikola Gačić, Igor Ikodinović, Marija Ilić, Ayhan Irfanoglu, Branislav Jelenković, Aleksandar Kartelj, Gerhard Klimeck, Nenad Korolija, Miloš Kotlar, Miloš Kovačević, Vladan Kuzmanović, Marko Marinković, Slobodan Marković, Avi Mendelson, Veljko Milutinović, Aleksandar Nešković, Nataša Nešković, Nenad Mitić, Boško Nikolić, Konstantin Novoselov, Arun Prakash, Ivan Ratković, Zoran Stojadinović, Andrey Ustyuzhanin, and Stan Zak
Year 2023
Journal Journal of Big Data
Impact factor 10.835 (M21a)
Volumen 10
Number 73

Teaching computing for complex problems in civil engineering and geosciences using big data and machine learning: synergizing four different computing paradigms and four different management domains

Z. Babović, B. Bajat, D. Barac, V. Bengin, V. Đokić, F. Đorđević, D. Drašković, N. Filipović, S. French, B. Furht, M. Ilić, A. Irfanoglu, A. Kartelj, M. Kilibarda, G. Klimeck, N. Korolija, M. Kotlar, M. Kovačević, V. Kuzmanović, J. Lehn, D. Madić, M. Marinković, M. Mateljević, A. Mendelson, F. Mesinger, G. Milovanović, V. Milutinović, N. Mitić, A. Nešković, N. Nešković, B. Nikolić, K. Novoselov, A. Prakash, J. Protić, I. Ratković, D. Rios, D. Shechtman, Z. Stojadinović, A. Ustyuzhanin, S. Zak, Teaching computing for complex problems in civil engineering and geosciences using big data and machine learning: synergizing four different computing paradigms and four different management domains, Journal of Big Data, Vol. 10, No. 89, May, 2023

Authors Zoran Babović, Branislav Bajat, Dušan Barac, Vesna Bengin, Vladan Đokić, Filip Đorđević, Dražen Drašković, Nenad Filipović, Stephan French, Borko Furht, Marija Ilić, Ayhan Irfanoglu, Aleksandar Kartelj, Milan Kilibarda, Gerhard Klimeck, Nenad Korolija, Miloš Kotlar, Miloš Kovačević, Vladan Kuzmanović, Jean-Marie Lehn, Dejan Madić, Marko Marinković, Miodrag Mateljević, Avi Mendelson, Fedor Mesinger, Gradimir Milovanović, Veljko Milutinović, Nenad Mitić, Aleksandar Nešković, Nataša Nešković, Boško Nikolić, Konstantin Novoselov, Arun Prakash, Jelica Protić, Ivan Ratković, Diego Rios, Dan Shechtman, Zoran Stojadinović, Andrey Ustyuzhanin, and Stan Zak
Year 2023
Journal Journal of Big Data
Impact factor 10.835 (M21a)
Volumen 10
Number 89

Statistical Methods for Detecting Recycled Electronics: From ICs to PCBs and Beyond

K. Huang, L. Yu, N. Korolija, J. Carulli, Y. Makris, Statistical Methods for Detecting Recycled Electronics: From ICs to PCBs and Beyond, IEEE Design and Test, Jun, 2023

Authors Ke Huang, Liu Yu, Nenad Korolija, John Carulli, and Yiorgos Makris
Year 2023
DOI 10.1109/MDAT.2023.3283349
Journal IEEE Design and Test
Impact factor 2.223 (M22)

A runtime job scheduling algorithm for cluster architectures with dataflow accelerators

N. Korolija, D. Bojić, A. Hurson, V. Milutinović, A runtime job scheduling algorithm for cluster architectures with dataflow accelerators, ADVANCES IN COMPUTERS, Vol. 126, pp. 1 - 48, Apr, 2022

Authors Nenad Korolija, Dragan Bojić, Ali Hurson, and Veljko Milutinović
Year 2022
Impact factor 3.067 (M22)
Volumen 126
Page from 1
Page to 48

Teaching graduate students how to review research articles and respond to reviewer comments

M. Banković, V. Filipović, J. Graovac, J. Hadži-Purić, A. R.Hurson, A. Kartelj, J. Kovačević, N. Korolija, M. Kotlar, N. Krdžavac, F. Marić, S. Malkov, V. Milutinović, N. Mitić, S. Mišković, M. Nikolić, G. Pavlović-Lažetić, D. Simić, S. Stojanović Djurdjević, S. Vujičić Stanković, M. Vujošević Janičić, M. Živković, Teaching graduate students how to review research articles and respond to reviewer comments, ADVANCES IN COMPUTERS, pp. 1 - 52, Jan, 2020

Authors Milan Banković, Vladimir Filipović, Jelena Graovac, Jelena Hadži-Purić, Ali R.Hurson, Aleksandar Kartelj, Jovana Kovačević, Nenad Korolija, Miloš Kotlar, Nenad Krdžavac, Filip Marić, Saša Malkov, Veljko Milutinović, Nenad Mitić, Stefan Mišković, Mladen Nikolić, Gordana Pavlović-Lažetić, Danijela Simić, Sana Stojanović Djurdjević, Staša Vujičić Stanković, Milena Vujošević Janičić, and Miodrag Živković
Year 2020
DOI 10.1016/bs.adcom.2019.07.001
Impact factor 2.655 (M22)
Page from 1
Page to 52

Dataflow-Based Parallelization of Control-Flow Algorithms

N. Korolija, J. Popović, M. Cvetanović, M. Bojovic, Dataflow-Based Parallelization of Control-Flow Algorithms, ADVANCES IN COMPUTERS, Vol. 104, pp. 73 - 124, 2017

Authors Nenad Korolija, Jovan Popović, Miloš Cvetanović, and Miroslav Bojović
Year 2017
DOI 10.1016/bs.adcom.2016.09.003
Impact factor 1.514 (M22)
Volumen 104
Page from 73
Page to 124

Facial profile esthetics change of Class II patients treated with the Herbst appliance as perceived by orthodontists and laypersons

Jovana Milutinović, Nenad Nedeljković, Nenad Korolija, Biljana Miličić, Facial profile esthetics change of Class II patients treated with the Herbst appliance as perceived by orthodontists and laypersons, SRPSKI ARHIV ZA CELOKUPNO LEKARSTVO, pp. 1 - 10, Mar, 2017

Authors Jovana Milutinović, Nenad Nedeljković, Nenad Korolija, and Biljana Miličić
Year 2017
DOI 10.2298/SARH160926081M
Impact factor 0.3 (M23)
Page from 1
Page to 10

Advances in High Performance Computing and Related Issues

V. Milutinović, B. Furht, Z. Obradović, N. Korolija, Advances in High Performance Computing and Related Issues, MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING, Vol. 2016, pp. 1 - 3, Dec, 2016

Authors Veljko Milutinović, Borko Furht, Zoran Obradović, and Nenad Korolija
Year 2016
DOI 10.1155/2016/2632306
Impact factor 0.802 (M23)
Volumen 2016
Page from 1
Page to 3

Recycled IC Detection based on Statistical Methods

K. Huang, Y. Liu, N. Korolija, J. Carulli, Y. Makris, Recycled IC Detection based on Statistical Methods, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTE, Vol. 34, No. 6, pp. 947 - 960, Jun, 2015

Authors Ke Huang, Yu Liu, Nenad Korolija, John Carulli, and Yiorgos Makris
Year 2015
DOI 10.1109/TCAD.2015.2409267
Impact factor 1.203 (M22)
Volumen 34
Number 6
Page from 947
Page to 960

Analysis of task effort estimation accuracy based on use case point size

Jovan Popovic, Dragan Bojic, Nenad Korolija, Analysis of task effort estimation accuracy based on use case point size, IET SOFTWARE, pp. 166 - 173, Nov, 2015

Authors Jovan Popović, Dragan Bojić, and Nenad Korolija
Year 2015
DOI 10.1049/iet-sen.2014.0254
Impact factor 0.595 (M23)
Page from 166
Page to 173

Papers in journals outside the SCI list

Towards hybrid supercomputing architectures

K. Milfeld, N. Korolija, Towards hybrid supercomputing architectures, Journal of Computer and Forensic Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 47 - 54, May, 2023

Authors Kent Milfeld and Nenad Korolija
Year 2023
Journal Journal of Computer and Forensic Sciences
Volumen 1
Number 1
Page from 47
Page to 54

Experiences in the teaching of the DataFlow paradigm: Lessons learned

N. Trifunović, M. Kotlar, O. Andrić, P. Trifunović, S. Stojanović, M. Cvetanović, Z. Radivojević, M. Punt, N. Korolija, V. Milutinović, Experiences in the teaching of the DataFlow paradigm: Lessons learned, TELFOR JOURNAL, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 108 - 111, 2018

Authors Nemanja Trifunović, Miloš Kotlar, Ognjen Andrić, Petar Trifunović, Saša Stojanović, Miloš Cvetanović, Zaharije Radivojević, Marija Punt, Nenad Korolija, and Veljko Milutinović
Year 2018
DOI 10.5937/telfor1802108T
Volumen 10
Number 2
Page from 108
Page to 111

An AppGallery for dataflow computing

Nemanja Trifunovic, Veljko Milutinovic, Nenad Korolija, Georgi Gaydadjiev, An AppGallery for dataflow computing, Journal of Big Data, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 1 - 30, Dec, 2016

Authors Nemanja Trifunović, Veljko Milutinović, Nenad Korolija, and Georgi Gaydadjiev
Year 2016
DOI 10.1186/s40537-015-0038-8
Journal Journal of Big Data
Volumen 3
Number 4
Page from 1
Page to 30

Papers from international conferences

Mathematical Modeling and File System Performance Examination for Type 1 Hypervisor with Full Hardware Virtualization in the Case of KVM and MS Hyper-V

B. Đorđević, S. Štrbac-Savić, N. Kraljević, N. Korolija, Mathematical Modeling and File System Performance Examination for Type 1 Hypervisor with Full Hardware Virtualization in the Case of KVM and MS Hyper-V, Sinteza 2023 - International Scientific Conference on Information Technology and Data Related Research, pp. 140 - 146, Singidunum University, Belgrade, 2023

Authors Borislav Đorđević, Svetlana Štrbac-Savić, Nenad Kraljević, and Nenad Korolija
Year 2023
Publisher Singidunum University
DOI 10.15308/Sinteza-2023-140-146
Page from 140
Page to 146

A Brief Overview of Current Vector Database Solutions for Knowledge Discovery

N. Korolija, V. Jelisavcic, M. Redzic, A Brief Overview of Current Vector Database Solutions for Knowledge Discovery, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies, CNN Tech 2023, pp. 86 - 86, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Zlatibor, Jul, 2023

Authors Nenad Korolija, Vladisav Jelisavcic, and Milan Redzic
Year 2023
Publisher University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
ISSN/ISBN ISBN: 978-86-6060-155-3
Page from 86
Page to 86

Indoor User Localizaton Based on Vision Transformer for Ambient Assisted Living Applications

M. Redzic, G. Wang, N. Korolija, Indoor User Localizaton Based on Vision Transformer for Ambient Assisted Living Applications, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies, CNN Tech 2023, pp. 88 - 88, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Zlatibor, Jul, 2023

Authors Milan Redzic, Ge Wang, and Nenad Korolija
Year 2023
Publisher University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
ISSN/ISBN ISBN: 978-86-6060-155-3
Page from 88
Page to 88

Dataflow Hardware for Real-Time High-Speed Camera Image Processing

N. Korolija, V. Jelisavcic, M. Redzic, Dataflow Hardware for Real-Time High-Speed Camera Image Processing, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies, CNN Tech 2023, pp. 87 - 87, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Zlatibor, Jul, 2023

Authors Nenad Korolija, Vladisav Jelisavcic, and Milan Redzic
Year 2023
Publisher University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
ISSN/ISBN ISBN: 978-86-6060-155-3
Page from 87
Page to 87

Hybrid control-flow and dataflow processor: algorithm granularity analysis

M. Popović, N. Korolija, S. Štrbac-Savić, Hybrid control-flow and dataflow processor: algorithm granularity analysis, 29. IKT konferencija YU INFO 2023, pp. 132 - 137, Informaciono društvo Srbije, Kopaonik, Jul, 2023

Authors Miloš Popović, Nenad Korolija, and Svetlana Štrbac-Savić
Year 2023
Publisher Informaciono društvo Srbije
ISSN/ISBN ISBN 978-86-85525-29-2
Page from 132
Page to 137

Scratchpad Memory Unit in Hybrid Control-flow and Dataflow Architectures

N. Korolija, S. Štrbac-Savić, B. Đorđević, Scratchpad Memory Unit in Hybrid Control-flow and Dataflow Architectures, Sinteza 2023 - International Scientific Conference on Information Technology and Data Related Research, pp. 159 - 165, Singidunum University, Belgrade, 2023

Authors Nenad Korolija, Svetlana Štrbac-Savić, and Borislav Đorđević
Year 2023
Publisher Singidunum University
DOI 10.15308/Sinteza-2023-159-165
Page from 159
Page to 165

Action Recognition Based on Vision Transformer and a Contrastive Learning

M. Redzic, N. Korolija, D. Bojić, Action Recognition Based on Vision Transformer and a Contrastive Learning, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies, CNN Tech 2023, pp. 89 - 89, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Zlatibor, Jul, 2023

Authors Milan Redzic, Nenad Korolija, and Dragan Bojić
Year 2023
Publisher University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
ISSN/ISBN ISBN: 978-86-6060-155-3
Page from 89
Page to 89

A Method Development for Analysing Food Texture and Examining Crispiness

M. Milosevic, N. Korolija, I. Trajkovic, I. Zlatanovic, A Method Development for Analysing Food Texture and Examining Crispiness, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies, CNN Tech 2023, pp. 40 - 40, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Zlatibor, Jul, 2023

Authors Milos Milosevic, Nenad Korolija, Isaak Trajkovic, and Ivan Zlatanovic
Year 2023
Publisher University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
ISSN/ISBN ISBN: 978-86-6060-155-3
Page from 40
Page to 40

Compression Determination of Different Types of Dried Vegetables

M. Milosevic, N. Korolija, I. Trajkovic, I. Zlatanovic, Compression Determination of Different Types of Dried Vegetables, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies, CNN Tech 2023, pp. 41 - 41, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Zlatibor, Jul, 2023

Authors Milos Milosevic, Nenad Korolija, Isaak Trajkovic, and Ivan Zlatanovic
Year 2023
Publisher University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
ISSN/ISBN ISBN: 978-86-6060-155-3
Page from 41
Page to 41

The Social Network Instagram as a Support for the Process of e-Learning

L. Živojinović, S. Štrbac-Savić, N. Korolija, M. Popović, The Social Network Instagram as a Support for the Process of e-Learning, 29. IKT konferencija YU INFO 2023, pp. 50 - 54, Informaciono društvo Srbije, Kopaonik, 2023

Authors Lazar Živojinović, Svetlana Štrbac-Savić, Nenad Korolija, and Miloš Popović
Year 2023
Publisher Informaciono društvo Srbije
ISSN/ISBN ISBN 978-86-85525-29-2
Page from 50
Page to 54

Possibilities for Parallelizing Simplicial Complexes Simulation

D. Cvijetić, N. Korolija, M. Vojinović, Possibilities for Parallelizing Simplicial Complexes Simulation, IcEtran 2022, Novi Pazar, Serbia, 2022

Authors Dušan Cvijetić, Nenad Korolija, and Marko Vojinović
Year 2022

Hybrid Supercomputing Architectures for Artificial Intelligence: Analysis of Potentials

J. Popović, V. Jelisavčić, N. Korolija, Hybrid Supercomputing Architectures for Artificial Intelligence: Analysis of Potentials, 1st Serbian International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence (SICAAI), Kragujevac, Serbia, May, 2022

Authors Jovan Popović, Vladisav Jelisavčić, and Nenad Korolija
Year 2022

One algorithm for testing annulling of mixed trigonometric polynomial functions on boundary points

B. Malešević, B. Banjac, V. Šešum-Čavić, N. Korolija, One algorithm for testing annulling of mixed trigonometric polynomial functions on boundary points, 30th Telecommunications Forum Telfor 2022, IEEE, Beograd, 2022

Authors Branko Malešević, Bojan Banjac, Vesna Šešum-Čavić, and Nenad Korolija
Year 2022
Publisher IEEE

The Evolution of Big Data Analytics Solutions in the Could

D. Miladinović, J. Popović, N. Korolija, The Evolution of Big Data Analytics Solutions in the Could, IcEtran 2022, Novi Pazar, Serbia, 2022

Authors Danko Miladinović, Jovan Popović, and Nenad Korolija
Year 2022

Infrastructure for Simulating n-Dimensional Simplicial Complexes

D. Cvijetić, N. Korolija, M. Vojinović, Infrastructure for Simulating n-Dimensional Simplicial Complexes, IcEtran 2022, Novi Pazar, Serbia, 2022

Authors Dušan Cvijetić, Nenad Korolija, and Marko Vojinović
Year 2022

Towards Hybrid Control-Flow and Dataflow Architectures

N. Korolija, J. Vladisav, Z. Minchev, V. Milutinović, Towards Hybrid Control-Flow and Dataflow Architectures, Thematic Conference Proceedings of International Significance, Investigating and Proving Contemporary Forms of Crime: Scientific Approaches, pp. 1 - 16, Belgrade, 2022

Authors Nenad Korolija, Jelisavčić Vladisav, Zlatogor Minchev, and Veljko Milutinović
Year 2022
Page from 1
Page to 16

Hybrid Medical Records System for Artificial Intelligence: Essence and Challenges

M. Bojović, D. Bojić, Nenad Korolija, V. Milutinović, Hybrid Medical Records System for Artificial Intelligence: Essence and Challenges, 1st Serbian International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence (SICAAI), Kragujevac, Serbia, May, 2022

Authors Miroslav Bojović, Dragan Bojić, Nenad Korolija, and Veljko Milutinović
Year 2022

Hybrid Manycore Dataflow Processor

D. Miladinović, M. Bojović, V. Jelisavčić, N. Korolija, Hybrid Manycore Dataflow Processor, IcEtran 2022, Novi Pazar, Serbia, 2022

Authors Danko Miladinović, Miroslav Bojović, Vladisav Jelisavčić, and Nenad Korolija
Year 2022

The Ultimate DataFlow for Ultimate SuperComputers-on-a-Chip, for Scientific Computing, Geo Physics, Complex Mathematics, and Information Processing

V. Milutinovic, M. Djordjevic, E. Sadeqi Azer, K. Yoshimoto, I. Ratković, G. Klimeck, M. Kotlar, M. Bojovic, B. Miladinovic, N. Korolija, S. Stankovic, N. Filipović, Z. Babović, M. Kosanic, A. Tsuda, M. Valero, M. de Santo, E. Neuhold, J. Skoručak, L. Dipietro, The Ultimate DataFlow for Ultimate SuperComputers-on-a-Chip, for Scientific Computing, Geo Physics, Complex Mathematics, and Information Processing, MECO'2021 and CPS'2021, Budva, Montenegro, Jun, 2021

Authors Veljko Milutinović, Miljan Đorđević, Erfan Sadeqi Azer, Kristy Yoshimoto, Ivan Ratković, Gerhard Klimeck, Milos Kotlar, Miroslav Bojović, Bozidar Miladinovic, Nenad Korolija, Stevan Stankovic, Nenad Filipović, Zoran Babović, Miroslav Kosanic, Akira Tsuda, Mateo Valero, Massimo de Santo, Erich Neuhold, Jelena Skoručak, and Laura Dipietro
Year 2021

Experiences in the teaching of the DataFlow paradigm: Lessons learned

N. Trifunović, M. Kotlar, O. Andrić, P. Trifunović, S. Stojanović, M. Cvetanović, Z. Radivojević, M. Punt, N. Korolija, V. Milutinović, Experiences in the teaching of the DataFlow paradigm: Lessons learned, Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2018, pp. 108 - 111, IEEE, Beograd, 2018

Authors Nemanja Trifunović, Miloš Kotlar, Ognjen Andrić, Petar Trifunović, Saša Stojanović, Miloš Cvetanović, Zaharije Radivojević, Marija Punt, Nenad Korolija, and Veljko Milutinović
Year 2018
Publisher IEEE
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Page to 111

Accelerating program execution using hybrid control flow and dataflow architectures

V. Milutinović, N. Trifunović, N. Korolija, J. Popović, D. Bojić, Accelerating program execution using hybrid control flow and dataflow architectures, 25th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2017, pp. 836 - 839, IEEE, Beograd, Nov, 2017

Authors Veljko Milutinović, Nemanja Trifunović, Nenad Korolija, Jovan Popović, and Dragan Bojić
Year 2017
Publisher IEEE
Page from 836
Page to 839

Experiences in the Teaching of a New Computing Paradigm: DataFlow Supercomputing

N. Trifunović, M. Kotlar, O. Andrić, P. Trifunović, S. Stojanović, M. Cvetanović, Z. Radivojević, M. Punt, N. Korolija, V. Milutinović, Experiences in the Teaching of a New Computing Paradigm: DataFlow Supercomputing, 25th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2017, IEEE, Beograd, Nov, 2017

Authors Nemanja Trifunović, Miloš Kotlar, Ognjen Andrić, Petar Trifunović, Saša Stojanović, Miloš Cvetanović, Zaharije Radivojević, Marija Punt, Nenad Korolija, and Veljko Milutinović
Year 2017
Publisher IEEE

Developing algorithmic skills of pupils in Serbian schools using materials

J. Popović, N. Korolija, Ž. Marković, D. Bojić, Developing algorithmic skills of pupils in Serbian schools using materials, 25th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2017, pp. 868 - 871, IEEE, Beograd, Nov, 2017

Authors Jovan Popović, Nenad Korolija, Željko Marković, and Dragan Bojić
Year 2017
Publisher IEEE
Page from 868
Page to 871

The influence of non-functional requirements in UCP method on the accuracy of effort estimates

J. Popović, N. Korolija, Ž. Marković, D. Bojić, The influence of non-functional requirements in UCP method on the accuracy of effort estimates, 25th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2017, pp. 649 - 652, IEEE, Beograd, Nov, 2017

Authors Jovan Popović, Nenad Korolija, Željko Marković, and Dragan Bojić
Year 2017
Publisher IEEE
Page from 649
Page to 652

Simulation of crack formation in aluminum billets resulting from direct chill electromagnetic casting

M. Srđan, N. Korolija, S. Manasijević, Simulation of crack formation in aluminum billets resulting from direct chill electromagnetic casting, 13th International Foundrymen Conference, Innovative Foundry Processes and Materials, pp. 239 - 250, Opatija, Croatia, May, 2013

Authors Marković Srđan, Nenad Korolija, and Srećko Manasijević
Year 2013
ISSN/ISBN 978-953-7082-15-4
Page from 239
Page to 250

Simulating Formation of Cracks During Cooling Aluminium Alloy Billets in a Direct Chill Electromagnetic Casting Process

S. Marković, N. Korolija, E. Romhanji, S. Manasijević, M. Stakić, Simulating Formation of Cracks During Cooling Aluminium Alloy Billets in a Direct Chill Electromagnetic Casting Process, First Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe (MME SEE 2013), pp. 121 - 128, Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia (AMES), Beograd, Srbija, May, 2013

Authors Srđan Marković, Nenad Korolija, Endre Romhanji, Srećko Manasijević, and Marko Stakić
Year 2013
Publisher Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia (AMES)
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-87183-24-7
Page from 121
Page to 128

Other papers

Introduction to Dataflow Computing

N. Korolija, Introduction to Dataflow Computing, Handbook of Research on Methodologies and Applications of Supercomputing, pp. 96 - 105, 2021

Authors Nenad Korolija
Year 2021
Page from 96
Page to 105



Razvoj novih informaciono-komunikacinih tehnologija korišćenjem naprednih matematičkih metoda sa primenama u medicini, telekomunicijama, energetici, zaštite nacionalne baštine i obrazovanja-NASTAVAK

Type of project Nauka- Projekti NIO
Head professor PhD Branko Malešević
Beginning of realization 2020-02-24

Razvoj hardverske, softverske i telekomunikacione infrastrukture e-sistema za kontrolu prometa i poreza-NASTAVAK

Type of project Nauka- Projekti NIO
Head professor PhD Dragan Bojić
Beginning of realization 2020-02-24

Razvoj hardverske, softverske i telekomunikacione infrastrukture e-sistema za kontrolu prometa i poreza

Type of project Nauka – tehnološki razvoj
Head professor PhD Dragan Bojić
Beginning of realization 2011-03-14