
PhD program in Information Engineering Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria dell’Informazione (DRII)

The official page of the PhD Program in Information Engineering is here: http://drii.unibs.it/.

In the news section, the opening of the admissions is already advertised (direct link: http://drii.unibs.it/?news=admissions-are-now-open)

The instruction page in English (direct link: http://en.unibs.it/university/university-notice-board-competitive-examinations-admission-notices-tenders/calls-and-notices-students-and-graduates/call-competitive-examinations-research-doctorate-courses) contains the official Call for PhD Applications XXXII Cycle in pdf format.

As here specified there are 6 positions in Information Engineering PhD program with scholarship (of which 1 reserved for foreign students), and 2 positions without scholarship.