
Biomedical and Ecological Engineering

 Head of the module: Dr Miloš Vujisić, associate professor

1st Semester

Code Subject Status (Mandatory or Elective) Number of Lessons ECTS Credits
Core subjects - Group A
13M051NI Neural Engineering E 3+1+0 6
13M051SRS Special Robot Systems E 3+1+0 6
13M051MSO Modeling of Systems and Processes in Organism4 E 3+1+0 6
13M061MMRS Metrology and Computerized Measuring Systems E 2+2+0 6
13M061MI Medical Informatics E 3+1+0 6
13M061FMS Physics of Medical Imaging E 3+1+0 6
13M061FKSM Physics of Condensed Matter and Contemporary Materials E 2+2+0 6
13M061OOOM Treatment and Storage of Toxic and Radioactive Waste E 2+2+0 6
13M061ESV Sun and Wind Energy E 2+2+0 6
13M061NEG Nuclear Power Engineering3 E 3+1+0 6
13M061PRI The Application of Radioisotopes in Industry E 3+1+0 6
13M061NMNP Numerical Modeling of Nuclear Processes E 3+1+0 6
13M061NEF Neutron Physics E 3+1+0 6
13M061TNR Nuclear Reactor Theory3 E 3+1+0 6
13M061UNR Nuclear Reactor Control3 E 3+1+0 6
Subjects from bachelor studies - Group B
13E064SDOS Systems for Digital Signal Processing E 3+1+1 6
13E054MAS Methods of Electrophysiological Signal Analysis E 3+1+1 6
13E054BMH Biomechanics3 E 3+1+1 6
13E064BMT Biomaterials E 3+1+1 6
13E064NMT Nuclear Medical Technique E 3+1.5+0.5 6
13E064NF Nuclear Physics E 3+2+0 6
13E053OSU Fundamentals of COntrol Systems1 E 3+1+1 6
2nd Semester
Code Subject Status (Compulsory or Elective) Number of Lessons ECTS Credits
Subjects from bachelor studies - Group B
13E053SOM Decision Making Systems in Medicine E 3+1+1 6
13E054KLI Clinical Engineering E 3+2+0 6
13E064TMD Telemedicine E 3+2+0 6
13E064KI Quantum Informatics E 3+2+0 6
13E064NT Nuclear Techniques E 3+1.5+0.5 6
13E064SNP Nuclear Process Simulation2 E 3+2+0 6
13E064FTFR Physical and Technical Principles of Fusion Reactors2 E 3+2+0 6
13E064FEA Atmospheric Physics and Ecology2 E 3+2+0 6
13E064DZZ Dosimetry and Radiation Protection E 3+1+1 6
13M001ZR Final paper M   30
Total 20-25 60

1) The subject was not offered in 2013/14 and 2014/15.

2) The subject was not offered in 2013/14, 2014/15 and 2015/16.

3) The subject has not been offered since 2016/17.

4) The subject was not offered in 2018/19., 2019/20.