
19E053OSU - Fundamentals of control systems

Course specification
Course title Fundamentals of control systems
Acronym 19E053OSU
Study programme Electrical Engineering and Computing
Type of study bachelor academic studies
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
ESPB 6.0 Status elective
Condition Signals and systems
The goal The goal of the course is to introduce students to new techniques for continuous and discrete system analysis, as well as to basic methods for conventional and certain non-conventional control laws.
The outcome After passing the exam, students will have the ability of: modeling basic electromechanical systems, characterizing systems behavior in transition and steady state, forming and analyzing state space models, determining stability of continuous and discrete systems, performing root locus analysis, designing and tuning different controllers.
URL to the subject page
Contents of lectures DC motor modeling. Position and speed servomechanisms. System characterization in transition and steady state. Discretization of continuous system. State space models and state and output feedback. Observer design. Stability of continuous and discrete systems. Analysis and compensation of systems using Bode plots and root locus. Tuning PID controllers.
Contents of exercises Beside lectures and auditory exercises, students are obliged to do two laboratory exercises that include experiments with real time servomechanism with DC motor and observer and controller design using Matlab.
  1. Automatic control systems, Ž. Djurovic, B. Kovacevic, Academic mind, 2006.
  2. Discrete signals and systems, Z. Djurovic, B. Kovacevic, Academic mind, 2004.
  3. Modern Control Engineering, K. Ogata, Prentice Hall, 2010.
Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
Lectures Exercises OTC Study and Research Other classes
3 2 1
Methods of teaching 45 classes of theoretical lectures + 15 classes of auditory exercises and two laboratory exercises in the Signals and systems department Laboratory.
Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
Pre obligations Points Final exam Points
Activites during lectures 0 Test paper 60
Practical lessons Oral examination
Colloquia 40
Seminars 0