
13E014TPE - Thermal Processes in Electrical Power Components

Course specification
Course title Thermal Processes in Electrical Power Components
Acronym 13E014TPE
Study programme Electrical Engineering and Computing
Module Power Engineering
Type of study bachelor academic studies
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
ESPB 5.0 Status mandatory
The goal Learning basics of the heat and mass transfer. Understanding the process of the heating as the consequence of the power losses inside electric power components. Developing students’ skills to apply knowledge from general heat and mass transfer theory to design, application, monitoring and protection of electric power components.
The outcome Students can solve all types of thermal problems from practice of design and application of electric power components. They Studentsget familiar with classical (simplified) engineering methods, their limitations and practical benefits of the application of modern software tools and the physical description of approaches thermal processes (deeper physical base of thermal models).
URL to the subject page
Contents of lectures Conduction, radiation, convection. Heat transfer by mass transfer. Rated power of power components, defined by allowed insulation temperature. Heat exchangers. Fins. Examples of thermal design of electrical power components. Standard heat run tests. Thermal calculations in practice of utilization of electrical power components (loading strategy, monitoring and protection).
Contents of exercises Auditory exercises and 6 laboratory exercises (4 classical, 1 based on numerical computer simulations and 1 based on the application of finite element methods).
  1. Texts for each of teaching classes and the laboratory - (Original title)
  2. Zbirka zadataka iz Elektrotermije sa priručnikom za laboratorijske vežbe, Z. Radaković, M. Jovanović, Elektrotehnički fakultet, drugo izdanje, 1995. (Original title)
  3. Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer, F.P.Incropera, D.P.DeWitt, John Wiley&Sons, Fifth edition, 2002. (Original title)
Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
Lectures Exercises OTC Study and Research Other classes
2 1 1
Methods of teaching Lectures, auditory exercises, laboratory exercises and computer simulations, presentation of top industry research and development projects in scope of industry – university cooperation.
Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
Pre obligations Points Final exam Points
Activites during lectures 30 Test paper 35
Practical lessons 0 Oral examination 0
Colloquia 35
Seminars 0