
Audio and video technologies

Head of the module: Dr Ana Gavrovska, assistant professor

* Links for access to lectures and the site of the course are in the course card

1st semester
Code Subject Status (Compulsory or Elective) Number of Lessons ECTS Credits
Core subjects - group A
13M031SOZ Sound Recording and Processing E 3+1+0 6
19M031ADP Acoustic Design of Rooms E 3+1+0 6
13M031STT Statistical Communication Theory E 3+1+0 6
19M031PA Telecommunication Services Personalization E 3+1+0 6
13M031FVS Video Forensics E 3+1+1 6
13M031ASM Analysis and synthesis of muzical signals E 3+1+1 6
Subjects from group B
19M061OTP Optical Telecommunications 2 E 3+2+0 6
19M034VS Interactive video services E 3+1+1 6
19M033SOS Savremeni sistemi za obradu slike E 3+1+1 6
13M034IoT IoT Networks Architecture E 3+1+1 6
19M034ADO Iterative algorithms for dynamical optimization E 2+2+1 6
2nd semester
Code Subject Status (Compulsory or Elective) Number of Lessons ECTS Credits
Core subjects - group A
19M031STA Modern audio technology E 3+1+0 6
13M031KČR Human-Computer Communication E 3+1+0 6
13M031OAS Audio Signal Processing E 3+1+0 6
19M031MMS Multimedia Systems E 3+1+1 6
19M031IKT ICT in Telemedicine E 3+1+1 6
13M031SVB Multirate Systems E 3+1+0 6
Subjects from group B
19M034VIM Artificial Intelligence in Mobile Systems E 3+1+1 6
13M034PKH Advanced Communication Hardware Programming E 3+1+1 6
13M034PPR Positioning in mobile networks E 3+1+1 6
13M034MIST Telecommunication Networks Simulation E 3+1+1 6
19M034AI Modern Internet Routing Architecture E 3+1+1 6
19M034IP Internet Programming Tools E 3+0+1.5 6
13M034RMS Developing Mobile Network Services E 3+1+1 6
13M001SP Stručna praksa C 6 3
13M001ZRI Završni rad - SIR (istraživanje) C/E 20 14
13M001ZRO Završni rad - izrada i odbrana C/E 4 13
Total 25-20 60

1) Predmet se ne nudi od šk. 2020/21. godine.
2) Od školske 2023/24. godine predmet "Javne mobilne mreže" menja naziv u "Veštačka inteligencija u mobilnim sistemima".

1)  The subject has not been offered since the school year 2020/21.