
13S111RMFP - Computer modeling of physical phenomena

Course specification
Course title Computer modeling of physical phenomena
Acronym 13S111RMFP
Study programme Software Engineering
Type of study bachelor academic studies
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
    Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
    ESPB 2.0 Status elective
    The goal Introducing students to the methods for software implementation of mathematical and physical models developed for certain physical phenomena, which can be, due to phenomenological similarities, adapted and applied on the variety of phenomena in topics covered not only by physics, but other mathematical and engineering sciences, as well as human or social sciences.
    The outcome Acquiring necessary skills for computer modeling of physical phenomena. Performing simulations of systems from the field of electrical engineering, medicine, biology, economy, sociology, climatology, etc.
    URL to the subject page
    URL to lectures
    Contents of lectures Models of oscillatory systems. Adaptation for applications in medicine and economy. Nonlinear oscillators. Stability analysis. Applications in medicine, biology, and economy. Langevine harmonic oscillator. Linear dynamical systems. Wave equation in classical and quantum mechanics. Shock waves and wave equation applications for traffic modeling. Heat transfer.
    Contents of exercises Exercises on the computer (computer simulations): realization of project assigments assumes formation of the model, software implementation, analysis and discussion of the simulation results.
    1. S. S. Strogatz, "Nonlinear dynamics and chaos," Perseus Books, 1994 (Original title)
    2. D. Acheson, "From calculus to chaos," Oxford University Press, 1997. (Original title)
    3. J. Walker, D. Halliday, R. Resnick, "Fundamentals of physics,“ John-Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2014 (Original title)
    4. D. G. Zill, "A first course in differential equations with modelling applications," Brooks/Cole, 2013 (Original title)
    Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
    Lectures Exercises OTC Study and Research Other classes
    1 1
    Methods of teaching During the lectures, a physical models will be introduced and its implementation will be discussed. During the practical lessons, students are expected to independently assemble certain model, perform its software implementation, analyze and discuss simulation results.
    Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
    Pre obligations Points Final exam Points
    Activites during lectures Test paper 30
    Practical lessons 70 Oral examination