
13D061ITTZ - Innovations, Technology Transfer and Protection of Intellectual Property

Course specification
Course title Innovations, Technology Transfer and Protection of Intellectual Property
Acronym 13D061ITTZ
Study programme Electrical Engineering and Computing
Type of study doctoral studies
Lecturer (for classes)
    Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
      Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
        ESPB 6.0 Status elective
        Condition none
        The goal Students will fully master all the elements necessary for writing an investment plan. The student should master all the actions that precede the writing of the investment plan (technical and technological analysis, a market research, search for partners and funders ...). The proposed course should enable students to start their own businesses, in administrative terms.
        The outcome Theoretical knowledge about investment, technology transfer and intellectual property protection. Completed Investment Plan. The formation of the supporting documents is an integral part of this process. Made presentation of the Investment Plan and presentation of the company that offers the Investment project.
        Contents of lectures Theoretical approach to investment decision. Technical and technologic alanalysis. The financial part of the Investment project. Investments. Sources of funding. Evaluation of companies. Innovation as a means of enterprise development. Intellectual Intellectual property, knowledge and wealth creation. Patents, research and development and new technology. Copyright.
        Contents of exercises The investment project - the preparation, presentation and defense. Presentation of the Investment project "to potential investors." Examples of of company Websites.
        1. B. Paunović, D. Zipovski, "Business plan - a guide for development", Publishing center of the Faculty for Ecomonics, Belgrade, 2012.
        2. V. Bojović, V. Šenk, V. Rašković, M. Stanču Mirosavljev, J. Borocki, J. Radovanović, "Guide for innovative enterprises", Konekta konsalting doo 2007.
        3. "Handbook for Teaching about Patents",
        4. D. Zipovski, "Investment decisions", IP Rad a.d. Beograd, 2012.
        5. Kamil Idris, "Intellectual property a power tool for economic growth, WIPO Geneve, 2003.
        Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
        Lectures Exercises OTC Study and Research Other classes
        Methods of teaching lectures, problem-solving classes,
        Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
        Pre obligations Points Final exam Points
        Activites during lectures 10 Test paper 30
        Practical lessons Oral examination 30
        Seminars 30