
13D051PPC - Multiple Target Tracking

Course specification
Course title Multiple Target Tracking
Acronym 13D051PPC
Study programme Electrical Engineering and Computing
Type of study doctoral studies
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
    Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
      ESPB 9.0 Status elective
      Condition non
      The goal Objective of the course is for the students to understand basic techniques for design of systems for multiple target tracking, as well as to understand the structure and purpose of the segments that constitute such complex system.
      The outcome Students should gain the skills to design the systems for data association, filtration of radar signals, definition of gate functions and tracks management.
      Contents of lectures The structure of MTT system; Techniques for radar signals filtration: filters with constant coefficients, Kalman filtering; Data association techniques: suboptimal approaches, approaches based on probability theory and Bayesian theorem; The choice and design of gating functions; Management of the tracks.
      Contents of exercises Student has an obligation to, using by MATLAB, design a simple simulator of radar and its environment, and for so generated measurements, design MTT system with all necessary elements.
      1. 1. Y. Bar Shalom, Estimation and Tracking: Principles, Techniques and Software, Artech House, Boston, 1998. (Original title)
      2. 2. Y. Bar Shalom, X.R. Li, Multitarget Multisensors Tracking, Clearance Center, Denver, 1995. (Original title)
      3. 3. Y. Bar Shalom, W. D. Blair, Multitarget Multisensor Tracking, Applications and Advances, Artech House, Boston, 2000. (Original title)
      4. 4. S. Blackman, R. Popoli, Design and Analysis of Modern Tracking Systems, Artech House, Boston, 1999. (Original title)
      5. 5. B. Kovacevic, Z. Djurovic, Fundamentals of Stochastic Systems, Signals and Estimation Theory, Academic Mind, Belgrade, 1999. (Original title)
      Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
      Lectures Exercises OTC Study and Research Other classes
      Methods of teaching lectures
      Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
      Pre obligations Points Final exam Points
      Activites during lectures 0 Test paper 0
      Practical lessons 30 Oral examination 70
      Projects 0
      Colloquia 0
      Seminars 0