The School Overview
![The School Overview](/uploads/attachment/strana/1/thumb_%D0%95%D0%A2%D0%A4-%D0%97%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%B0-5.jpg)
Day of the School of Electrical Engineering
Every December the School of Electrical Engineeeing holds a ceremonial academy to mark the day of the institution, which is the day when the school started working in 1948. It was founded by the Republic of Serbia as one of the six schools that were a part of the High Tehnical School. Belgrade University was much older than that: it was opened in 1894 by a lecture of Stevan Markovic, eminent professor of physics and electrical engineering.
Due to covid restrictions and health concerns this year we did not organize a classic form of the academy to mark 73 years of the school and 127 years of electrical engineering studies at Belgrade University. Nevertheless. this year should not be forgotten especially because of all the challenges that we have successfully overcome. We therefore invite everyone to remember the events and achievements that marked the period of the previous year.
As always, we start with the anthem Gaudeamus Igitur.
As a public academic institution with a long tradition and high reputation, the School of Electrical Engineering is fully devoted to the well-being and progress of the country by educating top quality engineers ready to work on the country´s technological development and digitalizaion. We feel very encouraged by the support that comes from the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development and we are grateful to the Minister Mr Branko Ruzic, who sent us this video message.
The School of Electrical Engineering belongs to Belgrade University and shares the destiny and successes but at the same time problems with other institutions of the same academic community. In the circumstances when we face large common challenges, we find it necessary to exchange experience with colleagues, deans, and vice-deans from other schools, whom we would like to send our regards on this occasion. We thank our rector, professor Vladan Djokic who sent us this video message.
Since this year, our school has one more member in the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Professor Slobodan Vukosavic was elected a full member. On this occasion, the president of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, professor Vladimir Kostic, sent a message to our school.
The host of this virtual event, professor Milo Tomasevic, the dean, greets all students, emloyees, business partners and friends of the School of Electrical Engineering from his office, which is unfortunately unusually lonely this year. We hope to be able to host many guests next year and that all the speakers will be addressing them from the ceremonial hall. Please join us in hearing the dean's message.
The following presentation shows the key figures, events, and successes of our students and staff in the past year.
The Day of the School of Electrical Engineering is an opportunity to reward our best graduates from all seven departments, as well as the best students of all academic years and departments. This occasion is also used to reward our colleagues who have been with us for 10, 15, and 30 years. The following traditional publication contains information about laureates.
At the end, this is the closing word with a message of our dean, professor Milo Tomasevic.
The Ball of the School of Electrical Engineering organized by its alumni organization BAFA will not be held this year. The ceremony of rewards and scholarships will be organized when the circumstances permit.
We wish all our staff, students, and friends good health, a lot of success, and a much better, healthier, and joyful year!