
The "Software Engineering" study program received a new seven-year accreditation

At its meeting on March 26, 2024, the National Body for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education of the Republic of Serbia issued the Certificate of Accreditation for the "Software Engineering" study program of basic (bachelor/undergraduate) academic studies at the School of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade. The review committee visited our institution in February 2024 and rated all the standards for evaluating the study program with the highest marks. In the certificate, approval was given for teaching in Serbian and English for the enrollment of 180 students in the first year of study at the headquarters of the Institution for studies of 4 years (8 semesters, 240 ECTS). The graduates of this study program will hold the title of Software Engineer (Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering, acc. BSc SE), which a few years ago entered the Rulebook on the list of professional, academic, and scientific titles of the Republic of Serbia. In the new study plan and program, future students will have the opportunity to take new courses in the field of artificial intelligence, advanced data and software protection techniques, and technological entrepreneurship. All existing course programs have been updated to follow new trends and technologies in the field of software system development and their applications.

Software engineering was founded on May 11, 2004, at the School of Electrical Engineering, when the field of computer science experienced a remarkable expansion, and 43 students were enrolled in the first generation. When creating the curriculum for this study program, the recommendations of the world's largest professional organizations in this field, IEEE Computer Society and ACM, were taken into account, as well as reputable Software Engineering programs from the world's best universities such as MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA USA), ETH Zurich (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Switzerland), Imperial College London (UK) and others. Work in small groups of up to 50 students, interactive lectures, laboratory exercises in classrooms equipped with the most modern equipment, grading of teaching activities throughout the school year, through three partial parts of the exam (colloquium), and a lot of practical homework and project tasks, are just some of the benefits of the study on this program. The best guarantee of the quality of the program, the work on this study program, and the acquired knowledge is represented by more than 950 software engineers who completed this program and who today represent leading engineers in large global corporations, small and medium-sized enterprises, or are the founders of some of the globally visible and successful startups company in Serbia.


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