
19D051OMO - Advanced Methods of Electrophysiological Signal Analysis

Course specification
Course title Advanced Methods of Electrophysiological Signal Analysis
Acronym 19D051OMO
Study programme Electrical Engineering and Computing
Type of study doctoral studies
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
    Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
      ESPB 9.0 Status elective
      Condition None.
      The goal Applying modern computer methods of signal processing and analysis in electrophysiological biosignals for diagnostics and automatic diagnosis. Improvement of existing methods.
      The outcome The ability to apply modern computational methods: the analysis electrophysiological signal in research and in clinical conditions, as well as biosignal processing to improve diagnostic and automatic diagnosis.
      Contents of lectures Specificity of processing and analysis of electrophysiological signals (EF). Filters and their application. Digital filters and window functions. Z - transformation. Adaptive MA and ARMA filters. Model estimation and system status. Adaptive signal processing based on multiple inputs. Examples of biosignal analysis methods.
      Contents of exercises Project work (computer-based analysis of biosignals).
      1. Naik G. "Biomedical Signal Processing", Springer Singapore, 2020. (Original title)
      2. Dunn S. M., Constantinides A., Moghe P. V. "Numerical methods in biomedical engineering", Elsevier, 2006. (Original title)
      3. Rangayyan R. M. "Biomedical signal analysis", John Wiley & Sons, 2015. (Original title)
      4. Cohen A., "Biomedical signal processing", Vol. I and II, CRC Press, 2000. (Original title)
      5. Naït-Ali A. (Ed.). "Advanced biosignal processing", Springer Science & Business Media, 2009. (Original title)
      Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
      Lectures Exercises OTC Study and Research Other classes
      Methods of teaching Lectures, consultations, and application of methods from recommended papers.
      Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
      Pre obligations Points Final exam Points
      Activites during lectures 0 Test paper
      Practical lessons Oral examination 30
      Seminars 70