
13S081PM2 - Practicum - Mathematics 2

Course specification
Course title Practicum - Mathematics 2
Acronym 13S081PM2
Study programme Software Engineering
Type of study bachelor academic studies
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
    ESPB 2.0 Status elective
    The goal Introduce students, in part through a recap of high school mathematics, with key fundamental concepts and facts that provide the necessary background for Mathematics 1 and 2.
    The outcome Capacitate students to follow Mathematics 1 and 2 courses, and use mathematical apparatus in other courses.
    URL to lectures
    Contents of lectures Basic concepts: Integral calculus, differential equations, linear algebra.
    Contents of exercises Solving diverse problems related to the theoretical component of the course.
    1. Cvetković D,Lacković I,Merkle M,Radosavljević Z,Simić S,Vasić P, Matematika 1-Algebra,Akad.Misao 2006.
    2. Vasić B,Iričanin B,Jovanović M, Malešević B,Madžarević T,Mihailović B,Radosavljević Z,Simić S,Cvetković D: Zbirka zadataka iz Matematike 1 -prvi i drugi deo. Akad.Misao 2006.
    3. M.Merkle: Matematička analiza za studente tehnike.Akad.Misao 2008.
    Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
    Lectures Exercises OTC Study and Research Other classes
    1 1
    Methods of teaching Lectures, exercises, discussions, homeworks.
    Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
    Pre obligations Points Final exam Points
    Activites during lectures 30 Test paper 30
    Practical lessons 0 Oral examination
    Colloquia 40
    Seminars 0