
13M111SIBP - Software Engineering of Large Databases

Course specification
Course title Software Engineering of Large Databases
Acronym 13M111SIBP
Study programme Electrical Engineering and Computing
Module Software Engineering
Type of study master academic studies
Lecturer (for classes)
  • professor PhD Miroslav Bojović
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
ESPB 6.0 Status elective
Condition Data base management systems
The goal Understanding the architectures of modern DBMS for large scale databases, different possibilities for their integration and evaluation the different comercial tools
The outcome Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: • Critically evaluate the different DBMS and their features • Appreciate the need and different possibilities for DB integration • Complete implementation of selected case study from the Experience Repository; • Gain practical experiences on using industry-strength tools.
Contents of lectures • DB Taxonomy: DBMS models and architectures; DB aspects (relational, procedural, object-oriented, descriptive (XML), deductive); XML, XPath, XQuery; Persistent objects; DB integrity • DB integration: language-oriented (embedded SQL); driver-oriented (ODBC, JDBC) (architectures, driver types, application scenarios); component-based; SOA integration; Web Services; agent-based
Contents of exercises • A set of different projects (case studies) organized and supported as an Experience Repository (ER) including case studies from the theoretical parts of the modules • Team work: The student will be organized in teams; The teams select an appropriate project proposal from the ER • Proposal for Case Studies: RDBMS-oriented projects & integration; OODBMS-oriented projects & integration; SOA integration (XML); ER supporting environment; MetricDB • Documentation of the development process
  1. Bill Evjen, at all, Professional XML (Programer to Programmer) ISBN-13: 978-0471777779, 2007
  2. Web Services: Concepts, Architectures and Applications by Gustavo Alonso, Fabio Casati, Harumi Kuno, and Vijay Machiraju (2010) ISBN 3-540-44008-9
  3. Modern Database Management (10th Edition) by Jeffrey A. Hoffer, V. Ramesh, and Heikki Topi (Hardcover - Jul 29, 2010)
  4. Physical Database Design: the database professional's guide to exploiting indexes, views, storage, and more (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems) by Sam Lightstone, Toby J. Teorey, and Tom Nadeau (Paperback - Apr 4, 2007)
  5. Shari Lawrence Pfleeger, Joanne Atlee, Software Engineering: Theory and Practice, 4th edition, Prentice Hall, 2009, ISBN: 0136061699
Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
Lectures Exercises OTC Study and Research Other classes
2 2 1
Methods of teaching Instructional methods include classical lectures, class discussions, individual homeworks (small practical projects) and email discussion list.
Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
Pre obligations Points Final exam Points
Activites during lectures 0 Test paper 30
Practical lessons 0 Oral examination 0
Colloquia 0
Seminars 0