
13M041IKS - Integrated Circuits for Communication Systems

Course specification
Course title Integrated Circuits for Communication Systems
Acronym 13M041IKS
Study programme Electrical Engineering and Computing
Type of study master academic studies
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
    ESPB 6.0 Status elective
    The goal Study of architectures and implementations of microwave and millimeter wave (Bi)CMOS integrated circuits for communication systems. Analysis and design of integrated transceivers by using analytical methods, circuit and electromagnetic simulators. Overview of flexible multi-standard architectures, Field Programmable RF and methods of digital calibration.
    The outcome Students will be able to: - understand the fundamental and technological limitations of integrated transceivers, - understand the trade-offs in integrated transceivers, - understand the system level specifications, derive the optimal chip architecture and block specifications, - design and integrate the transceiver on their own.
    URL to the subject page
    URL to lectures
    Contents of lectures Fundamental and technological limitations. Chip level analysis, architectural choices and block level specifications. Flexible architectures for digital calibration and performance enhancements. Electromagnetic simulation of on-chip interconnect and packaging. Matching networks. ESD protection for microwave integrated circuits. Integrated transceiver chip assembly. Field Programmable RF.
    Contents of exercises Practices on white board. Computer simulation in Cadence Virtuoso.
    1. T. Lee, “The design and implementation of low-power CMOS radio receivers”, Springer; 2002 (Original title)
    2. S. Voinigescu, “High-Frequency Integrated Circuits”, Cambridge University Press, 2013 (Original title)
    3. B. Yarman, “Design of ultra wideband power transfer networks”, Wiley, 2010 (Original title)
    4. H. Darabi, “Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits and Systems,” Cambridge University Press, 2015 (Original title)
    5. Papers from referent journals
    Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
    Lectures Exercises OTC Study and Research Other classes
    2 2
    Methods of teaching Lectures. Practices, presentations, interactive design sessions. Review of state of the art. Computer simulations. Individual work on projects.
    Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
    Pre obligations Points Final exam Points
    Activites during lectures Test paper
    Practical lessons Oral examination 40
    Seminars 60