
13D091K - Communicology

Course specification
Course title Communicology
Acronym 13D091K
Study programme Electrical Engineering and Computing
Type of study doctoral studies
Lecturer (for classes)
  • professor Divna Vuksanović
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
    Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
      ESPB 6.0 Status elective
      Condition none
      The goal • Developing a culture of written and oral communication • Adopting the models and rules of communication • Coping skills for correct language written and oral exposure in the field of professional communication (resume, letter, offer, applications for the competition ...) • Increasing awareness of the importance of the basic principles of good business and creating adequate image
      The outcome • Developing a culture of written and oral communication • Adopting the models and rules of communication • Coping skills for correct language written and oral exposure in the field of professional communication (resume, letter, offer, applications for the competition ...) • Increasing awareness of the importance of the basic principles of good business and creating adequate image
      Contents of lectures • The concept of communication (elements of the act of communication, speech representative, speech community, speech event, speech situation, the role of speech) • Linguistic stratification (functional, social, territorial and individual), standard (literary language) • Non-verbal communication • Verbal communication • Communication within the team • Public Relations • Business Etiquette
      Contents of exercises
      1. Jasna Janicijevic, Communication and culture, Publ. by the Workshop of Zorana Stojanovica, Sremski Karlovci - Novi Sad, 2000.
      2. Tijana Mandic, Communicology (psychology of communication), Privredni pregled, Belgrade, 2001.
      3. Marina Markovic, Business communicology, Clio, Belgrade, 2003.
      Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
      Lectures Exercises OTC Study and Research Other classes
      Methods of teaching lectures and study research work
      Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
      Pre obligations Points Final exam Points
      Activites during lectures 0 Test paper 70
      Practical lessons 0 Oral examination 0
      Colloquia 30
      Seminars 0