
13D061SMNN - Scanning Probe Microscopy in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Course specification
Course title Scanning Probe Microscopy in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Acronym 13D061SMNN
Study programme Electrical Engineering and Computing
Type of study doctoral studies
Lecturer (for classes)
    Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
      Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
        ESPB 9.0 Status elective
        Condition Basic knowledge of quantum mechanics, solid state physics and electromagnetism. Some knowledge of basic electronics and instrumentation will be helpful but it is not mandatory.
        The goal The purpose of the course is an introduction to nanophysics through corresponding experimental techniques. This concerns scanning probe microscopy methods as the scanning tunneling or atomic force microscopies are. The students should gain a necessary research knowledge in the field or at least learn basic techniques in nanotechnology. This is achieved through seminar works and experiments.
        The outcome At the end of the course the students will have the basic knowledge o different scanning prome microscopy methods and its use in nanoscience and nanotechnology.
        Contents of lectures Introduction to nanophysics and nanotechnology, nano-optics and nanostructures (nanotubes, graphene, plasmonic and photonic nanostructures). Properties of Atomic Force and Scanning Tunneling microscopies as well as of Scanning Near Field Optical Microcopy. Applications in nanoscience and technology (graphene, superconductors, magnetics, bio-systems, photonic crystals and metamaterials).
        Contents of exercises Measurements on the instruments at Institute of Physics (NTegra (ambient), Omicron (UHV) and TwinSNOM (ambient).
        1. B. Voigtländer, "Scanning Probe Microscopy", Springer 2015. (Original title)
        2. V. L. Mironov "Fundamentals of scanning probe microscopy", THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES INSTITUTE FOR PHYSICS OF MICROSTRUCTURES, Nizhniy Novgorod 2004. (Original title)
        3. S. Sadewasser, T. Glatzel, "Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy", Springer 2012. (Original title)
        Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
        Lectures Exercises OTC Study and Research Other classes
        Methods of teaching Teaching methods contain seminar works or small research projects which include experimental excersizes and measurements at Institute of Physics in Belgrade.
        Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
        Pre obligations Points Final exam Points
        Activites during lectures 0 Test paper 0
        Practical lessons 0 Oral examination 30
        Colloquia 0
        Seminars 70