
Archive 2021.

  • Competition of the University of Belgrade for enrollment in doctoral academic studies in the school year 2021/22. years 
  • Conditions for enrollment in doctoral academic studies

Enrollment in the second enrollment period and enrollment in doctoral academic studies according to the competition of the University of Belgrade in the school year 2021/2022 has been completed. years

Notification on the final ranking list and enrollment of candidates in the first year of doctoral academic studies in the school year 2021/2022. years in the second enrollment period

The final ranking list of accepted candidates for enrollment in doctoral academic studies in the school year 2021/22. years in the second enrollment period 

The enrollment of accepted candidates will be done on Friday, November 12, 2021, in the Student Department, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

For registration you need:

Certified photocopies:

  • diploma or certificate of completion of the study program of the first and second degree of study (undergraduate and master studies) and supplement to the diploma or certificate of passed exams at previous levels of study.
  • birth certificate for candidates born outside the territory of the Republic of Serbia.
  1. The students’ booklet was obtained at enrollment
  2. The completed application form (form ŠV 20) was received at the registration
  3. 2 photographs measuring 4.5 x 3.5 cm
  4. Receipt of payment of compensation with the indication "for the University", to the bank account of the School of Electrical Engineering number 840-1438666-48, model 97, reference number 62400, for 1,600 dinars
  5. Receipt on the payment of the first installment of the tuition fee, to the bank account of the School of Electrical Engineering number 840-1438666-48, model 97, invitation number 62400. Tuition fee for self-financing students for the school year 2021/22. year is 259,200 dinars and can be paid in four equal installments of 64,800 dinars.

    When enrolling, it is necessary to enclose:
  7. Study plan  for the first year of study (subjects are selected from the table of Curricula 2019 , 
  8. Plan of study research work  in agreement with the mentor and the head of the module.

The signed consent of the mentor is an obligatory document for enrollment, and the study plan and the study-research work plan can be submitted until Friday, November 19, 2021. years.

After enrollment, students are required to access the student service and fill out the SW 20 form.


Preliminary ranking list of candidates who applied for enrollment in doctoral academic studies in the school year 2021/22. years in the second enrollment period

Candidates who enroll with additional exams

Any appeals to the preliminary ranking list can be submitted on Wednesday, November 10, 2021. year, from 11 to 13 hours, in the Student Department, counter 5.

The publication of the final ranking list is planned for Wednesday, November 10, 2021. in the afternoon, and enrollment is planned for Friday, November 12, 2021. year, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Registered candidates for enrollment in doctoral academic studies for school. 2021/22. year in the second enrollment period

After enrollment in the first enrollment period for the first year of doctoral academic studies, there are 30 vacancies left for enrollment of students in self-financing status.

According to the competition of the University of Belgrade, the application for the competition in the second enrollment period for doctoral academic studies is November 2, 3 and 4, 2021.

Candidates are obliged to send the completed and signed application with scanned required documents electronically to the e-mail address:

Along with the completed application form (downloaded), candidates submit the following documents:

  • Certificates of diplomas or certificates of completion of previous levels of study
  • Certified photocopies of the diploma supplement, or certificates of passed exams at previous levels of study;
  • Certified photocopy of proof of knowledge of one world language (for candidates who did not pass the foreign language exam during their studies);
  • biography of the candidate
  • proof of payment of the fee for the costs of applying to the competition in the amount of 4,000 dinars to the bank account of the School   840-1438666-48, model 97, reference number 62400.

Evidence related to scientific work:

  • bibliography with full pagination of references
  • electronic versions of papers with visible DOI number

Additional information on enrollment can be found on the page Enrollment / Doctoral Academic Studies, in the notices for the first enrollment period.

After the completion of the enrollment according to the ranking list, one vacancy remained at the expense of the budget. The roll call for that one place, as planned, will take place tomorrow, Friday, October 29th. at 11 a.m. in the Student Department. Interested candidates for enrollment at the expense of the budget, below 30th place in the rankings, must be present at the roll call.

Notice of the final ranking list of candidates who applied for enrollment in the first year of doctoral academic studies in the school year 2021/2022. years

The final ranking list of candidates who applied for enrollment in doctoral academic studies in the Serbian language in the school year 2021/22. years  

In the final ranking list, 30 candidates from the ranking list gained the right to be financed from the budget.

Candidates who enroll with additional exams

The final ranking list of candidates who applied for enrollment in doctoral academic studies in English in the school year 2021/22. years 

Information on enrollment:

A candidate who has achieved the right to enroll in doctoral studies, must enroll no later than the deadline defined by the text of the Competition, after which he loses the right to enroll.

Upon enrollment, candidates submit the consent of the mentor for study research work, otherwise they lose the right to enroll.

When enrolling, candidates who have acquired the right to budget funding are enrolled first. The remaining budget places are awarded in the order from the ranking list to the candidates who have not yet exercised the right to budget financing in the manner defined by the text of the Competition.

The enrollment of accepted candidates who have acquired the right to enroll at the expense of the budget and those who are securely enrolled in the self-financing status will be done  on Wednesday, October 27, 2021. year and Thursday 28.10.2021. year in the Student Department in the period from 11 to 13 hours.

On Thursday 28.10.2021. years after the completion of enrollment, a notice will be published on possible vacancies in the budget and the shift of the budget line. In case of moving the budget line and updating the order on the ranking list according to Article 18 of the Rulebook, for the remaining vacant budget places, a call of candidates will be organized according to the ranking list below the 30th rank on the budget list.

All interested candidates for the remaining vacancies for the budget must be present on Friday, October 29, 2021. at 11 am, in the Student Department, due to a possible roll call according to the ranking list, with saved documents for enrollment. Named candidates are required to enroll immediately. At the same time, enrollment for self-financing students continues until 3 p.m.

For registration you need:

Certified photocopies:

  • diploma and diploma supplement or certificate of completed study program of the first and second degree of study (basic and master studies) and certificate of passed exams at previous levels of study.
  • birth certificate for candidates born outside the territory of the Republic of Serbia.
  1. The students’ booklet was obtained at enrollment
  2. The completed application form (form ŠV 20) was received at the registration
  3. 2 photographs measuring 4.5 x 3.5 cm
  4. Receipts on paid compensation with the indication "for the University", to the bank account of the School of Electrical Engineering number 840-1438666-48, model 97, reference number 62400, as follows:
    • for students financed from the budget, in the amount of 100 dinars
    • for self-financing students, at 1,600 dinars
  5. Receipt on paid tuition (first installment), to the bank account of the School of Electrical Engineering number 840-1438666-48, model 97, invitation number 62400. Tuition for self-financing students for the school year 2021/22. year is 259,200 dinars and can be paid in four equal installments of 64,800 dinars.

    When enrolling, it is necessary to enclose:
  2. Study plan  for the first year of study ( Subjects are selected from  the table of Curricula 2019
  3. Plan of study-research work  in agreement with the mentor and the head of the module.

The signed consent of the mentor is an obligatory document for enrollment, and the study plan and the study-research work plan can be submitted until Friday, November 5, 2021. years.

After enrollment, students are required to access the student service and fill out the SW 20 form.

Decisions of the Commission on appeals filed on the preliminary ranking list of candidates for enrollment in doctoral academic studies in the school year 2021/22. years

The Commission for Third Degree Studies and Enrollment in Doctoral Academic Studies considered the submitted complaints of the candidates on the published preliminary ranking list for enrollment in the school year 2021/22. years and made the following decisions:

  • Decision on the appeal of the candidate Bojan Virijević
  • Decision on the appeal of the candidate Goran Bešević

Candidates have the right to appeal against the decisions made to the Dean of the School of Electrical Engineering. Any complaints to the Dean can be submitted on Monday, October 25, 2021. year, from 11 to 13 hours, in the Student Department.


Preliminary ranking list of candidates who applied for enrollment in doctoral academic studies in the Serbian language in the school year 2021/22. years

Preliminary ranking list of candidates who applied for enrollment in doctoral academic studies in English in the school year 2021/22. years

Candidates who enroll with additional exams

On the preliminary ranking list, the first 30 candidates from the ranking list gained the right to be financed from the budget.

Any appeals to the preliminary rankings can be submitted on Thursday, October 21 and Friday, October 22, 2021. year from 11 am to 1 pm, in the Student Department, counter 5.

The registration of candidates will be done after the publication of the final ranking lists, of which there will be a subsequent notification

Registered candidates for enrollment in doctoral academic studies in the school year 2021/2022. years:

List of registered candidates for studies in the Serbian language

List of registered candidates for English language studies


Any objections can be submitted no later than tomorrow, Wednesday, October 20, by 1 pm, in the Student Department.

Based on the applications of the candidates, a preliminary ranking list will be made.


Notice of application for the competition for enrollment in doctoral academic studies
for the school year 2021/22. year

According to the competition of the University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade in the school year 2021/22. enrolls students in the first year of doctoral academic studies in the study program Electrical Engineering and Computing, in the following elective areas (modules): 

  • Power grids and systems
  • Electronics and digital systems
  • Power converters and drives
  • Microwave technology
  • Nanoelectronics and photonics
  • Nuclear, medical and environmental technology
  • Applied mathematics
  • Computer technology and informatics
  • Software engineering
  • Systems management and signal processing
  • General education subjects

100 students are enrolled in the study program of doctoral academic studies in Electrical Engineering and Computing, as follows:

  • in Serbian - 30 budget and 50 self-financing students
  • 20 self-financing students can enroll in English


I Study program

The study program of doctoral academic studies contains courses in the total volume of 180 ECTS credits.





3 subjects from the selected module

3x9 = 27


1 subject from any module



Study research work related to doctoral thesis I



1 subject from the selected module



1 subject from any module



1 subject is
chosen from any module
1 general education subject + Scientific-professional work

6 + 3


Study research work related to doctoral thesis II



Preparatory work for the application of the topic of the doctoral thesis



Final thesis - research



Final work - design and defense



II General conditions of the competition

A person who has completed master's academic studies, ie integrated studies with at least 300 ECTS points, or completed at least four years of study according to the regulations valid until the entry into force of the Law on Higher Education, and a general average grade of at least 8 can apply for enrollment in doctoral studies. Persons with a general average grade of less than 8 can also apply, if they have completed scientific papers published in journals from the list of the line ministry before enrolling in doctoral studies, in accordance with general acts of faculties or universities (specified in the ranking criteria).

A person who has passed the exams in the subjects at the previous levels of study, which represent the necessary preparation for the study area (module) for which he / she is applying, can enroll in doctoral studies.

A person who knows one world language can enroll in doctoral studies.


III Criteria for determining the order of candidates

The order of candidates for enrollment in doctoral studies is determined on the basis of the general average grade achieved in undergraduate and master's academic studies, length of study in undergraduate and master's studies, achieved scientific results and other conditions prescribed by the Rulebook on Doctoral Studies.

The general average grade of study (OPO) is calculated on the basis of the average grades of study in basic academic studies (OcOS) and master's academic studies (OcMS), weighted by the duration of the study program in basic academic and master's academic studies expressed in ECTS points (OSbod and MSbod) :

General average grade (OPO) = 

For candidates who have completed integrated studies, the average grade achieved in those studies, the length of study and the achieved scientific results are taken.

For candidates who have acquired higher education according to the regulations that were valid until the entry into force of the Law on Higher Education, the average grade from undergraduate studies is taken, which includes diploma thesis, if any, length of study and scientific results.

A person who satisfies the general conditions of the competition may also enroll in doctoral studies, if he / she has completed scientific papers in the appropriate scope, ie whose total number of UB points is at least 8 (eight) calculated as follows:

UB = OPO + BN / 20

where the OPO is the general average grade, and the BN number of points obtained for the achieved scientific papers. Points for scientific papers refer only to papers of category M20-M60 defined by the Rulebook on the procedure and manner of evaluation, and quantitative presentation of scientific research results of researchers ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 24/16 and 21/17) (Article 9 of the Rulebook). The maximum number of points for scientific papers published during the previous two years that can be achieved is 10.

The order on the unique list is determined based on the number of BB points


where M is the number of months for which the student has mastered the previous levels of study programs. Candidates during the ranking for the budget can exercise the right to receive the correction factor KK = 1 if they are employed in the title of teaching associate or the selection procedure for the title of assistant at the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade has begun.


IV Student enrollment

A person has exercised the right to enroll if he / she is on the final ranking list up to the number provided by the competition for enrollment.

A candidate can enroll in a study program in the status of a student financed from the budget of the Republic (budget student) if he is on the final ranking list up to the number approved for enrollment of candidates at the expense of the budget.

A candidate can enroll in a study program in the status of a self-financed student (self-financing student) if he / she is on a unique ranking list up to the number determined for enrollment of self-financing students.

The candidate can enroll in doctoral academic studies if he / she has the consent of the mentor for study research work.


V Enrollment of foreign students

A foreign citizen can apply and enroll in a study program under the same conditions as citizens of the Republic of Serbia. A foreign citizen can enroll only in self-financing status.

Candidate - foreign citizen, when applying for the competition, submits a decision on the recognition of a foreign public document.
If the recognition procedure is not completed, these candidates submit a certificate with the application stating that the procedure is ongoing.

Prior to enrollment, the candidate foreign citizen is obliged to submit to the School / University evidence:
- that he / she has health insurance for the school year he / she is enrolling;
- to speak Serbian or the language in which the study program is conducted.


VI Registration of citizens of the Republic of Serbia who have completed their previous education abroad

A citizen of Serbia who has completed previous education abroad can apply for enrollment in a study program if he has a decision on the recognition of a foreign higher education document for continuing education at the University of Belgrade and enrollment in a specific study program. If the recognition procedure is not completed, these candidates submit a certificate with the application stating that the procedure is ongoing.


VII Tuition

The amount of the annual tuition fee for doctoral academic studies for citizens of the Republic of Serbia is 259,200 dinars.
The amount of the annual tuition fee for doctoral academic studies for foreign citizens is 4,000 euros.
The amount of the annual tuition fee for doctoral academic studies for studies in English: 10,000.00 euros.
Tuition can be paid in four equal installments, according to the established dynamics.


VIII Application for the competition

Applications for the competition for enrollment of students in the first year of doctoral academic studies are submitted from Monday, October 4, to Monday, October 11, 2021.

Candidates are obliged to send the completed and signed application with scanned required documents electronically to the e-mail address:

Along with the completed  application form,  candidates submit scanned and the following documents:

  • diploma or certificate of completion of previous levels of study;
  • supplement to diplomas, or certificates of passed exams at previous levels of study;
  • proof of knowledge of one world language (for candidates who did not pass the foreign language exam during previous studies);
  • candidate's biography;
  • proof of payment of the fee for the costs  of applying to the competition  in the amount of  4,000 dinars  to the bank account of the School   840-1438666-48, model 97, reference number 62400.

Evidence related to scientific work:

  • bibliography with full pagination of references
  • electronic versions of papers with visible DOI number

Candidates will be regularly informed about further information and the course of the competition on this page.